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I was smiling as Ara fell asleep. I must admit I was surprised when she asked me that, I didn't see it coming. Reading her thoughts, she thought something and I was grateful for it. She said that it would be a waste of time trying to kill herself if someone was always going to be there to stop her. Ara moved in her sleep, yes I would protect her , love her give her anything she wanted. She could be difficult sometimes; she had her issues I had mine but we would work through them.

Somewhere in all that thinking I drifted off to sleep.

I felt the bed beside me, it was cold and empty. Something wasn't right where was Ara?

"Ara," I shouted sitting up in bed.

"Ara," I tried again. Panic pricked me. Getting out of bed in search of her I didn't have to go far because I heard the sound of running water, it was coming from the bathroom. I headed in prepared for anything.

"Ara what...." I opened the door and what I saw really was the worst thing anyone ever could imagine. Ara lay on the floor in a pool of water and her blood. At her side I fell to my knees holding her in my arms. 

"Please wake up, please," I begged.  A low chuckle came from the corner of the room. My eyes shot over to the sound. There in the corner of my bathroom, a wooden stake in his hand, was my brother Desmond. 

"What did you do?"  The anger in voice was clear. Desmond stepped out of the shadows. His molten lava colored eyes piercing holes into my blue-green ones.  In a lot of ways my brother was like my father in personality and looks. Black hair, molten lava colored eyes and evil. But unlike my father Desmond is dead.  The day we all got turned , he didn't make it. I had mourned him, my parents too, I loved him but this, right now, was not one of those times. 

"What did you do?" I tried again. 

"Tell me!"  He said nothing, just looked at me. He came closer the stake still in his hands. Kneeling down beside me he said.

"I'm sorry," 

My eyes flashed open, someone was shaking me by the shoulder.

"Andrew what is it, What's wrong?"  Ara was on her knees her hands on my face, a worried expression on her beautiful face. She let go of my face as soon as I looked at her. I rubbed the back of my neck and then reached out to touch her, making sure this wasn't a dream.

"You're here," I said sighing in relief and pulling her close to me. 

"Andrew what's wrong?" She said in confusion. She pulled away from me, I reluctantly let go. 

"I had a dream." I stopped short wondering if I should share the rest of the dream with her, she might get excited. 

"Yes go on," She encouraged. I shook my head after looking at her for a moment.

"It was just a dream." She crossed her arms over her chest lifting one eyebrow. She didn't believe me. 'Ha, more like a nightmare,' She though.  She didn't press it though. 

"I promise you I'd stop thinking of ways to die," Is what she said instead.  She lay back down. she was fine but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was going to lose her. Ara closed her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her, it surprised me but I think it surprised her more. She let out what sounded like a yelp, but it was muffled. After a couple of seconds she eased into the kiss.  

"I'm sorry," She said and she flew to the back wall.  Sorry what did she have to be sorry for?  "For getting carried away."  She answered my thoughts.  

"You don't have to be sorry for that," She hung her head like she was ashamed of herself. I got off the bed and walked towards her.

"Don't, stop right there,"

'Why,' I thought.  She fixed me with a glare.

"Because I don't want to get carried away again." She said out load.  "I'm still mad at you."  I lifted my eyebrows.

"Why," I could tell she was getting annoyed.

"Because you interfered with my plane." I heard her fiddling with the door handle.

"Ara what's wrong I thought we talked this out?"  It was still night time and the only light that was coming through the window was the moon. The fiddling stopped. There was silence , it had me wondering if I said the wrong thing. 

"I don't remember that." She stammered.

"I'm pretty sure we did," I said.

"No, I remember asking what would happened if I married you!" She said loudly.  "And then I said I needed time." I could tell that she was hungry again. Her voice had gone quite.

"Andrew," She whispered. She didn't have to say anything else. I reached out to her, she dug her fangs into my arm without a second thought.

Thanks," She said licking her lips with a shameful look on her face.

"You're welcome Barbie doll."  She rolled her eyes not bothering to hide it this time. 

"I thought I was only your Barbie doll when I was your slave, or am I still your slave?" She said turning around. 

"Technically, you are still my slave until you marry me."  Sorry but you still get that nickname. She walked to the bathroom, turned around stuck her tongue out then shut the door.  

"Did anyone ever tell you you're cute when you are angry!" I shouted so she could hear me.  

"Heard it before and I'm getting sick of it." I laughed. 'Shut up,' She told me through the mind link. Laughing some more I turned to the other bathroom.

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