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I was still thinking about that dream I had last night. It surprised me when I woke up in a cold sweat only to hear Andrew having a dream as well, maybe the same one. The nightmare was tearing me apart. This guy that came to me in my dream, he said his name was Desmond but that's all the information he gave me before he stabbed me with a wooden stake. Usually I didn't have nightmares, this one came out of nowhere.  Now that I had had that dream I was determined to find out who Desmond was and how he fit into all of this.

Yes I wanted to die, but not like that. I felt him stab me, like it actually happened, it hurt like hell. It was not pleasant from what I experienced in my nightmare. 

I waited for the water to warm up in the shower. Everything seemed weird and on edge, maybe because... Just calm down Ara.  The warm water on my back seemed to do the trick. Desmond said he find me and kill me. I remember screaming for Andrew, he never came. Didn't he always come, couldn't I trust him? I need help!

Stepping out of the shower I felt something, a feeling creep up the back of my neck, it was uncomfortable and I didn't like it. I hurried and got dressed. Shorts and a t-shirt was my choice in clothes today. Quickly opening the door I screamed when I saw Andrew on the other side.

"Ara are you okay?" He asked as he bent down to help me off the floor.

"Yeah I'm fine," I said nodding my head and taking his hand. "Aww man, now I'm going to have to change my pants." My butt was soaked I had fallen in a puddle of water. Walking over to the dresser I grabbed another pair of shorts. I got dressed right there forgetting he was in the room with me. 

"What are you going to do today." I said looking up at him, lust in his eyes.  Maybe I shouldn't not have done that.

"Andrew," I snapped. He jumped back into reality. 

"I've got the whole day free are you hungry?" He asked, I growled, mad at him because every time he asked if I was hungry my throat started to burn.

"No," I lied. He looked at me like 'You can't lie to me.'  

"Ara, I know when you're hungry. your eyes turn black." I rolled my eyes. That's funny I thought they were permanently black. He chuckled.

"Nope they are now back to the deep blue color they always have been." He smiled at me.  I growled low in my throat showing my teeth, he did the same thing back at me.                  

"Stop getting inside my head, damn, now that I'm a vampire it should have blocked you." This made him throw his had back and laugh. He shook his head.

"Not a chance sweet heart."  I hissed at him.  "Come on lets not make this difficult."  He extended his wrist.  

Shaking my head I backed up. "There has to be another way. I can't keep drinking your blood." He shrugged his shoulders.   

"I can get a slave for you to drink."  He said lowering his wrist.  I nodded.  

"Kelly!" He yelled. She was here before anything else happened I jumped, unsteady on my feet.

"Yes your highness," She bowed low.  

"Feed her," He said. She turned to me and smiled pushing her hair back from he neck.  I lunged at her.   I knew something was wrong when she went limp in my arms and I had a hard time holding her up. I detached my fangs letting her drop to the floor. My mouth fell open as I saw the blood dripping from her neck. 

"You didn't tell me she was human." My hand covered my mouth. Letting out a whimper I sank to the floor.

"It's okay Ara,"  

"Okay, how can this be okay!" I yelled pointing to the woman on the floor.  

"She didn't like her life here," Turning my head to glare at him, just glare. You know how they say if looks could kill, well I wanted that glare to kill him on the spot. 

"I. Didn't. Like. My. Life. Here!" I yelled. "You gave her something that you never would have thought twice about giving me!" Andrew glared at me like he wanted to kill me, go ahead I would let him in fact I was begging him to.  

"Told you not...." 

"Oh go to hell! Fuck you!"    

"Ara you're crossing a line here." Andrew cautioned.

"Go to hell!"  I had the door opened in seconds, vanishing down the hall.  I was still running when I ran into Ryan and Victor. 

"Ara, what's wrong?" Ryan said. I had tears in my eyes. I shook my head as if to tell them to forget about it, but if you know Ryan he was never one to give up. "Ara," This time it was victor who said my name.

"I drank from a human," I paused wiping away my tears.  "I didn't know it was human and it's all Andrew's fault, he didn't tell me!"   I walked right up to Ryan and Victor. They were surprised because I used my vampire speed, I didn't not know how to use it I was still new at this.  

I heard footsteps coming from down the hall and I jumped into action.  "Kill me, kill me now," I begged them I reached out for victor's hand putting it against my throat. His nails looked long and sharp he could surely slit my throat. "I don't want to spend another second here," Tears came flowing out of my eyes.  I didn't let go of his hand though.   Ryan and Victor exchanged a look, I could hear those footsteps getting closer.  "Please hurry he's coming!" I said frantically. "If you hurry you could still have time to leave me here and run." I told them.          

"Ara," Ryan said. I turned my head to look at him.  He lay his hand on my hand, the one that was holding Victor's to my throat. He peeled my fingers away and Victor's hand fell out of my reach.  "Everything's going to be alright."  

"Why does everybody keep lying to me!" I reached for victor's hand again. "Kill me, Do it or I swear I'll...I'll rip your heart out." I hissed.  

"Ara," This time it was Andrew's voice, he got here and now it was too late. I glared at Ryan and Victor.   

"I told you to go to hell!" I screamed not looking at him. I heard him growl. I knew he saw everything. He saw Victor's hand by my throat, he saw that I asked to die, he saw me ask them to kill me. 

"Ara you promised me you wouldn't think up ways to die." I growled and that growl turned into a murderous scream.  I turned around to face Andrew.    

"I didn't think this, I wanted it!" Looking past him I saw an open window, the wheels in my head started to turn maybe if I jumped out of the window like I did last time then....

"No that won't work your a vampire now."

"Shut up, shut the hell up." I whipped around, my anger was out of control now. Grabbing Ryan's hand, I slit my own throat with his nails. After that Everything was a blur. I'm pretty sure I fell to the floor unconscious thought, lights out. Hopefully I wouldn't wake up. 

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