Every Story Needs a Villain

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Thank you for showing me what I shouldn't be,
Shrivelled skin and eyes so empty.
You were the worst role a model a boy could ask for,
Always talking less but passively saying more.
Do you know how many times I could see through your mirror of manipulation?
You probably don't think I could; drowning in self-absorption.
The day they told me you had gone,
I played my absolute favourite song.
Pop the champagne!
He's dead to me!

Every story needs a villain,
Here we fuckin' go again.
I thought your corpse was buried six feet below;
So ignorant; little did I know;
That you were looming in wait to suck the color from my life,
Holding a black and white Helvetica knife.
After all that you've done,
Do you really think you have someone, in me?
I can't believe what I'm about to say is true;
But I will never forgive you.

Resurrections brought on by my false sense of security,
You can't just apologize to me; it's never going to be that easy.
Funerals where the mourners do nothing but smile,
Take the hint; hit the road; walk a mile.
Wake up at the wake;
Failed at your own game.
Coffins without corpses and men without hearts,
Your blood makes wonderful paint for my art.
Everybody grab a glass; I want to make a toast;
That fucker is finally a ghost!

Every story needs a villain;
I was probably yours until the end.
Your kindness was a myth;
And your love; an urban legend.
Say goodbye to everything you once knew;
For I will never forgive you.
Whatever cosmic force writes my story must have one heck of an imagination;
You have always been one vicious and callous villain.
But my story is not one with a tragic end;
Sure, every story needs a villain;
But all I needed was a friend.
Right down to the wire; right at the end;
I hate to say I could never love you again.

Though we can never not be family,
You are now a stranger to me.
I'm leaving you in the dust and hoping you'll rot,
It's time to focus on everything you are not.
This story of mine has had a villain for far too long;
I can save myself; a hero made to obliterate what you've done wrong.

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