Baseball Park

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Mandy Rose x Dolph Ziggler

In which a pro athlete catches eyes for
the daughter of the owner of the
baseball team he plays for.

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Dolph Ziggler threw his duffel bag over his shoulder and headed out of the dugout. He had been working as a pro baseball player for almost his whole career. He had decided to give up his career in advertising to play sports.

However, almost three seasons ago, he had a near-ending career injury. He had twisted and broken his ankle, putting him out for the whole season, and his doctors on edge the whole time. Some said he would never play again.

Well, surprise because here he was.

Dolph had always loved all sports, but baseball was his favorite. It had been a family outing for his dad, grandfather, and himself. He never wanted to do anything else on Saturday afternoon then eat loaded cheesy nachos and drink a soda the size of both his hands.

However, the beginning had been rocky. He wasn't sure if he'd ever escape the minor league scene, but eventually he was drafted to the Los Angeles Dodgers.

He also never thought he'd live in California, having grown up in Florida his whole life. But hey, he had to go where he was drafted, because who the hell would turn down a draft pick?

Not him, that was for sure.

But, his favorite part of joining the team was for the life-long friendships he had made. His best friend, Mike Mizanin, was drafted a season before him and was so hyped when he was finally joining the team.

He had also become close friends with John Morrison, Robert "Bobby" Roode, and Zack Ryder.

"Zig, are you coming? We can only go out tonight because every other night is packed," he heard Mike call.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

He followed Miz to the car and then the group of teammates were off to celebrate Zack's engagement.

The next morning Dolph Ziggler woke up early to go running and get prepared for the game. He always found running in the morning had cleared his mind.

Once showered and dressed in his pre-game clothes, he grabbed the duffel bag and headed out the door. Today, they were playing the Chicago Cubs, and Dolph figured that they would win.

He headed down to the dugout to see the head coach, Randy Orton already in there about to give his speech.

"Alright, here's the deal. We should win today, but there is always that slight chance that The Cubs actually have their shit together-"

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