Scottish Coffee

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Liv Morgan x Drew McIntyre

In which a woman who travels to Scotland takes interest in a barista.

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Drew McIntyre walked into work, tying his apron around his waist. He had been working as a barista for his best friends for two years now. He started out the job to pay off student debt, but he ended up falling completely in love with the business.

Plus, working for Nikki Cross and Killian Dain wasn't all that bad.

Drew never left his hometown in Scotland. He loved everything about his home country. He had intentions to move to America, make use of his career, but he never got around to it. Something about Scotland was so magical that he never wanted to leave.

The coffee shop was located in the middle of town, and it was one of the top spots for tourists and locals alike.

"Drew! Thank goodness you're here. Killian had to run out and get a few things to restock, so I need you-"

He cut Nikki off. "Relax. I'm here. What do you need me to do?"

"Take orders, please? We had a rush of people and it's just stressing me out."

Drew nodded, giving Nikki a small smile as he walked away. He loved the morning rush, because it meant that it would soon be quiet, and he could listen to the quaint music in the shop.

Drew knew the regulars, however one woman was catching his eye today, which didn't normally happen. But, there was something about the girl in the back corner booth that had him walking closer towards her.

Liv Morgan had been in Scotland for approximately two weeks and couldn't wait to keep seeing sights. She came to get her mind off things back home. She had a deadline to meet, and needed some time away.

She was a writer. Liv loved everything about writing, creating characters and stories that were much more interesting than her actual life.

Yeah, her actual life.

She was a twenty-four year old, single woman. Not that being single was a problem, she was very independent, but it would be nice to have someone.

She decided a coffee shop in Scotland, however, would be the perfect place to work. She had caught this place the first day she was here.

"Miss, can I take your order?"

Okay, maybe not the best place to work after all.

She looked up from her laptop to see the most attractive man she had ever seen. He was tall, had dark facial hair, and blue eyes. She could smell the mix of his cologne with the strong scent of coffee in the atmosphere.

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