chapter 3: stay inside

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After running away from the monster, they soon stopped and ? a break as we're extremely tired and they were in front of something that looked like a shed or shelter of some sort.
Liy: Guys, I found a shelter we can hide in!
She turned around to see that they were gone.
Liy: uhh.... Guys, GUYS?! Where are you?!
She then felt something pull her arm
Liy: h-huh?! AAHHH!
Something or some people pulled her in the shelter....


Liy: H-HEY, LET ME GO!!!
Something was holding her down, she tried squirming out but it was nearly impossible to, they firmly held her arms.
???: Calm down, this will be quick!
She still didn't listen, she kept kicking and squirming as much as she could.
She then sees a flash by her eye, the small device beeped then they removed it
??? #2: her temperature is good let her go.
Liy: what just happened?????
They let her go, the lights turn on to see everyone (all the contestants and her friends or close friends including the eliminated contestants and even Four's buddy............ X...) Most of them were cowering in fear, some even were crying while others try to comfort them while some were researching and some even angry.....
It's safe to say that that was pretty scary, but at least they were safe now...
Saw: are you all ok?
8-ball: ok? hehehe... OKAY?!?! SO YOU OBJECTNAPPING US FOR NO REASON IS OKAY?!?!?!
Pen: stop, calm down!
Remote: there's a monster outside trying to get us!
Liy: yeah already know.
Pencil: well, we have to do something about it!!
Cake: Loser, I'm scared!
Loser: I know you are Cake, but this nightmare will end soon
Loser said as Cake blushed
Donut: ok, let's be honest here, THIS IS SCARIER THAN THE TWINKLE ITS SELF!!!!!
Gelatin: Don't you mean "tinkle!"
Gelatin laughed
Donut: GELATIN, THIS IS NOT THE MOOD FOR FUN AND GAMES, anyways I think we'll be able to safe Four cuz I have the "Four" within me!
Golf ball and Tennis ball start raising their eyebrows up and down rapidly
Donut: STOP THAT!!!!!
Remote stops the argument for a moment
Remote: guys, don't you think arguing is kinda unnecessary right now.
Robot Flower interrupts
Robot Flower: oh please, like you could save the day, I doubt
Remote gets a little frustrated with the comment but tries to stay calm
Remote: w-what makes you say that??
Robot Flower: as you might remember, YOU tried to kill MY TEAM with a bomb!!!
Remote: well, YOU were trying to literally and I say LITERALLY hack MY TEAM!!
Robot Flower and Remote kept arguing and bickering back and forth.
Firey: guys, stop!!
Pencil: you need to calm down!!
Pencil: we're trying to help you!!!!!!!!
Donut: I DON'T NEED HELP!!!!
Sooner or later everyone started to get into arguments, some even started fighting and some of their arguments had nothing to do with this situation and Golf ball got so tired of everyone bickering left and right, up and down she soon yelled: EVERYONE, SHUT YOUR MOUTHS, ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
everyone soon stopped after hearing that
Golf ball: now say sorry to each other
They did
Everyone: sorry....
Golf ball: I have a plan!
Taco: uhh... So what is the plan?
Golf ball: you'll see...

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