chapter 5: the chimera

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*gore warning*


Pencil, Match, and the rest of their alliance were in the forest like pretty much everyone else to save Four

Pencil: ok we've been walking around for like a billion years now and we found nothing.

Match: hey, Pence Pence, wanna play Spongy cake, while we are like walking?

Pencil: sure!
And they did.
Book and I've cube were also with them cuz they got lost.
Book: can you guys stop for a bit we need to find Four and get out this forest immediately!

Match: you're such a bummer, Book.
Pencil: yeah! Huh?
Pencil said as she heard a rustling in the bushes, it was a little kitten, it had green eyes and yellowish fur and brownish spots kind of like an ocelot or leopard.
Cat: mew.
Pencil: awwwww, it's so cute!
Pencil went over to try and pet it.
Book: Pencil wait, what if it has rabies?!
Pencil ignored her anyway and went to pet it. BIG MISTAKE!
The "kitten" showed its true form, hiding its own body behind the bushes having a large body as big a bull, it had cloven hooves, a serpentine like tail, and long horns grew from its head.
This is what the creature looks like:

Before Pencil could even compute what was going on, the gigantic beast but her arm

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Before Pencil could even compute what was going on, the gigantic beast but her arm. Pencil was silent for a short second before screaming at the top of her lungs.
Match: PENCIL!!!!!!!!!
Pencil punched the monster before the alliance ran for their lives.


Pencil was extremely frustrated now, her arm had a large bite mark with small trickles of bloods pouring from her arm.

Pencil was extremely frustrated now, her arm had a large bite mark with small trickles of bloods pouring from her arm

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Bubble: P-Pencil? are, you okay?
Pencil:.... I don't wanna talk about it.....
Bubble seemed even more worried for her.
Match: your gonna be alright Pencil, I know it.
She didn't say anything back, until........
Pencil: g-gah!!
Ice cube and Book: 0_o
Match and Bubble: oh god!
Match: are you ok?
Pencil: y-yeah
Pencil said weakly, she then felt sudden pain in her fingers *crack*
Pencil: ?????? *crackle* w-what? Is that sound and why do my fingers hurt?! *crack*
She realized what was going on, her fingers started to grow claws!
Pencil's POV
"O-ow!" I screamed, I could hear Match and the others scared, terrified and worried about me. The moon was shining bright, I thought I was turning into a werewolf. I looked at my blooded fingers from the pain which grew claws,soon my hands started to transform too into large paws. "Oh great, first Four transforms, now me! I'm turning into a werewolf!!" Until I grew horns? ..... Weird............ small drips of blood poured from my head. I also grew round-ish ears, similar to that of a lion and weirdly enough whiskers. I don't think I'm turning into a werewolf. I the grew bat like wings and my teeth grew really sharp and pointy. I could barely see anything from all this pain, but I could still hear Match crying for my name and to respond over and over............ I could only roar like a lion but at could still speak a few words. "Help, this hurts so much........ Please, end my misery................ It hurts....." I was turning into a lion with horns and wings, but something else more terrifying was happening to me. Sudden....... I felt something grow from my back, it was squirming vigorously. Out of nowhere, A GOAT HEAD SPROUTED FROM MY BACK!!! "AAAAAUUGGHHH!!!!!!!" It didn't help that the fact the goat head had sharp horns emerging almost instantly. Again another head sprouted. This time a dragon head on my side with more blood squirting out of my body. I didn't even know how I was still alive........ My pencil body became more feline like. My body grew bigger than before and the dragon head could breathe fire!! If that wasn't painful enough a snake tail grew from my butt!!! With the snake head hissing loudly. My memories were fading, making I couldn't think anymore, I couldn't think like I once was but I was thinking like a monster. I didn't even know what I was becoming anymore, The memories of my personality, childhood, hobbies and friends were disappearing. I then grew a feline like muzzle before shouting my final word before completely losing everything I had internally and externally: T#15 (4NT B3 #4993N1N6 T0 M3!!!!!  #$%)%$)$(%+%+&+&-%+%$($;*(*%;*()+-)%(%($($($(%(%(%%(%)%)&)%)$)#)#)%)&)-)%)$))= "'::;;;!!?;:" =\\\\€¢€=¥^××€×¢×£¶¢××ש׀=¥×©€×€¢¶€¢¶€£¶£¶£¢¶¢£¶¢∆£∆'¢}€}™}™}℅}>}>°}}€¢}¢}£¶¢¶£¶¢£|'¶'¶•|¶•£×|×'××€£×¢×¢£¶€¶•^|¶¥'¶'¥¶¢•¶•¥¶^¶¶¶×°×π÷π÷√=¥='{¢{¢{¢{€×€×¥{™€{¥¶€'¶£¢¶¢£¶©~¶~¶€¶''¥¶'¥¶®{®¶€™¶¥™¶¶¥¶¶℅¶℅¥¶¥¶™¶™¶¥¥¶℅¶¥¶¥℅¶℅√¶∆¥'¶'€¶|{¶€™×℅^×#($+%+%+*+%*($(=(=((**(*+*+*+*(*(=$)=(=(=++ "%+%+%+%+*(=$(($$((%(%(%&(&+&+%%+*+*+%+%+%+%%+%+(*(*+=+=++=+=+==+12334567890987654321;:&(::%(%'++'%()(&$)(%$)%;%" %"%";$")$*$*($*;)$"; "%);%" ;%")%;%")%"%; "%%;%(%;(%;(%" )%"); ";($" ;(%"%"(;%");$";9%"(;%"(%; ")%;" %(; ";(%(;%;(%9+%" ;( ");%;9%9;%);%" ;9+%"9%9+%"9++9%"9+ "%+9%" +9%9+%"+9%+9%+9%9+ ";%(        H31P M3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^{¥•{¥¶¥¶•^¶√^¶√℅¶√™¶™™¶¥¶|{¥{|€{€¥|{¥{®{|¥|{€™{€™{¥™{¥™{℅√{℅√℅{√℅{℅√{√℅{℅√√℅{√℅¶℅×^€¶¢•¶€¢¶¥¢¶¥¢¶£¢¶~¢~¢¶¶'^•¶•^¶¥™¶¥¢¶¢€¶¥€™¶¥×℅^√π×°÷^÷€×€™€×¥€×¥€×€¥{××¥€™×€¥×¥€×¥€×¥€×€×€¥{€€¥×¥^™™™[][}™}€¶€¢∆¢£∆£¢'¢∆£¿¿¿¡¿¡¡¡¿¿....................................


No one's POV

in complete shock, Match was traumatized... She stepped a little closer to Pencil to see what happened.


Pencil scratched Match's hand without notice causing it to bleed. Pencil swiftly looked up at Match with glaring green eyes Match dodged Pencil's second scratched and told the others to run as they did Match did too. Pencil followed. Pencil had her same color scheme but did not have any looks of that of a pencil apart from the eraser had had on her head. Imagine being chased by a roaring ferocious lion, a fire breathing dragon, a venomous snake that can bite, and an angry bleating goat. (a goat? Seriously ancient Greece. Also if you are wondering what verb term for a goat's sound. It's a bleat, yes a bleat. Goats bleat. Sheep and deer can also bleat.) Pencil has turned into a hybrid beast called: A chimera....

Match and the others kept running rep in the evil forest.
Ice Cube: I'M SCARED!

??? POV

Well, that's one down. Many more to go......... Soon everyone will be under my CoNtRoL!!!!!!!
Just got to top the others.

(Sorry I wasn't one wattpad for awhile but here is the fifth chapter and it's done,next is chapter 6!)

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