chapter 4: monster hunters

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Man, COVID19 is really kicking in, huh? So, I have not published a chapter in a while since I was on Deviantart and YouTube but I'm back so let's get this chapter started or what!

Golfball sat down and explained what they had to do to escape, everyone started to calm down a bit.

Golfball: ok, here's what we need to do. We sneak from behind the door when he is not looking and we plan our escape.

Snowball immediately interrupted.

Snowball: Screw that, I don't need to listen to you! I'll beat that dumb thing up all by myself!

Snowball stomps out the door without a care, Tennisball tried to warn him it was too dangerous but he denied. When he finally got out, he noticed the monster was turned away from him.

Snowball: hey, you!
Four's head lift up a bit
Snowball: I will beat you up sooner and faster if you don't turn around you coward!!

Four: .................................................*crack*
Snowball he heard a sudden cracking noise.... *crack* he heard it again, he started to get uncomfortable and less confident. He tried to keep his cool but he then realized it came from Four. His head turned making cracking sound almost the sound of bone breaking. Four's head suddenly turned 360 degrees terrifying the ball of white frozen water.


Snowball quickly ran back in the shelter closing and locking the door, Four couldn't get in now but he tried all of his might try and burst through the door roaring loudly and growling angrily. Snowball pants as he sighs in relief, not once in his life has he been this terrified almost ready to crap his pants. (Despite the fact objects don't wear pants.... That sounded wrong...)

Eraser: and YOU'RE supposed to be the "brave one."
Eraser taunted
Snowball: oh, shut up!
Golfball: GAH, and this is why I said to stick to the plan!
Snowball: like you would do any better.
Golfball: but, who even started this in the first place?
Eliminated contestants point at Liy
Liy: *nervous laughter*
Golfball: really Liy...
X: I-I'm scared, I want my friend back!!
X sobbed
Donut comforted X
Donut: It's okay, X he'll probably come back to his senses soon, wait.Why did the growling become quiet?
Donut looked out the back of the window to see Four going into a dark, spooky, and abandoned forest called EVIL forest coming across will bring them to EVIL canyon!!!!

Donut: *gasp* oh no... OH NO!!!
Barf bag: h-huh? What's wrong?
She too looks out the window
Barf bag: oh god, GUYS!!!
Everyone pays attention
Barf bag: Four just escaped to evil forest!!
Everyone: *GASP*
Donut then glances a bit at a near by closet full of gear and weapons
Donut: guys, look, I think we have a perfect idea

*plays eye of the tiger music by Survivor*
*equipment montage*
(Sorry I had to)

Donut: Okay, I think we're ready, everyone ready?
Everyone: yeah!!
Blocky: but where is Grassy?
*Grassy trips and gets back up*
Grassy: Grassy is always ready!
Later they then approach the evil forest
Donut: ok, guys what ever you do, don't spilt-
Everyone already splits up in different groups and areas of the forest except Gelatin and X.
Donut: up... Bah, humbug! Whatever, c'mon Guys let's go.
Gelatin and X follow him
X: I hope Four is alright...
X said worried
But much more dangers will await the contestants.............

And worst,........ more dread will begin to form.....


???: so, they're going in the evil forest huh? Well........ Let's see how long they will last in there......
















(Welp, that's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed it so far, more chapters will come soon!☺💗

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