Chapter 1

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"And this last question is for Miss Londynn over here. What's it like to grow up with TWO successful parents? I'm sure you're getting spoiled-"

The audience chuckled.

"-but you have no choice but to follow in their footsteps am I right?" the interviewer asked.

Londynn shuffled in the red cushioned chair. The lady sat across her eagerly waiting for her answer. The question wasn't even that exciting. Londynn quickly gathered her words together before she began talking.

All eyes were on her...

All eyes were on her

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as they should be.

"It's definitely a blessing because my parents constantly push me to make something of myself. My mom bought me a lot of the career barbies growing up and she would let me dress up and let me be a doctor one day and a chef the next-"

"I preferred chef" her dad, Bryan, jokingly butted in.

There was a pause as the audience laughed.

"But I did take some things for granted that they did, which I wish I didn't but one thing they always told me was to be better than your parents, so without a doubt, I definitely have some competition but I think I can do it." she replied with a smile.

"Woahhhh!!! Y'all raised a go-getter! How do you feel about her response?"

Her mom, Alicia, began speaking.

"My daughter carries herself with a high head on her shoulders and when she's passionate about something, she lets no obstacle stop her-"

"I mean look where she gets it from" her father interrupted once again.

There were a couple aw's as a smile appeared on her mother's face.

"You too are the perfect couple!" The lady said.

"But yes she is very ambitious and I see her reaching many pinnacles in whatever she takes on."

Alicia places her hands neatly in her lap as the audience began clapping.

"Aaaaaand there you have it folks! I would like to thank Ms. Alicia Scott and Mr. Bryan Scott for taking time out of their busy schedules to be here along with their beautiful daughter Londynn Scott."

Londynn and her Dad gave a smile and wave while her mother mouthed "Thank you".

The theme song came on as they stood up and walked backstage.

A couple backstage extras gave them nods and smiles.

"And that's a wrap," the producer said walking up to them.

He exchanged a few words with her parents before approaching her.

"Great job Londynn!" he said shaking her hand.

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