Chapter 7

45 5 14

Q: @Zaria223 why haven't been updating?

A: One word. Go on and guess..

"Alright guys, remember to have your parents sign the movie permission slip...unless you happen to be 18 then this does not apply to you," Mr. Sanders' voice boomed.

Londynn folded the paper and placed it in her lap because she had no where to put it in. After realizing she left her bag in the cafeteria, she doubled back to retrieve it but it was no where to be found. She even texted Devon to see if maybe she or Montè grabbed it but she said she thought Londynn grabbed it on the way out.

"Aye what if we 17 bout to be 18?" someone asked.

"Are you going to be 18 by the time I need the permission slip?" the teacher sarcastically asked.

Londynn watched as the guy sucked his teeth while stuffing the paper down the side pocket of his book bag.

"As I was saying, we have about 5 minutes till the bell so I'm going to pass around your syllabus. Familiarize yourself with it because if you ask me a question that I already answered in here, then I'm going to make you write down word for word the entire syllabus,"

There were a couple gasps.

"Not really but I'll make it be known that I'm very annoyed with you," he laughed.

He handed Londynn hers and she eyed it.

"Big fan of your fathers work," he whispered as he pat her on the back.

Londynn scrunched her face because she didn't recall allowing him to touch her. While he passed out the rest of the papers, she glanced over the syllabus. She saw that he wrote that no phones were allowed and that it would be confiscated. Tuh. Good luck to them if they attempted to confiscate something that they didn't pay for nor did they pay the bill for.

Londynn heard her phone vibrate on her lap and she looked down to see Devon texted her that her and Montè would help look for her bag after school.

She smiled at that but also that the bell had rung.

She met the two of them outside the cafeteria. It took a while because during the day, everyone strolled through the hallway like they had no where to be but after school it was like pushing through a herd of animals from Jumanji.

After a couple wrong turns, Londynn finally found the cafeteria. It should've been easy but she kept getting stopped by people asking if she was really Londynn Scott. She approached Devon and Montè who were having a conversation.

"Ain't nobody gonna return a Balenciaga bag Dev," Montè sighed.

He was already dressed up in his practice clothes. Him and Devon usually get a little quick make-out session before practice but she texted him saying that they needed to help Londynn.

"They will if they know who it belongs to," Londynn interjected.

They both turned to her. Devon looked at her sadly.

"We're gonna find your bag girl,"

"They don't even know it belongs to you," Montè replied.

Londynn took in his appearance.

"What sport do you play?" she asked.

Devon hardly talked about Montè. Londynn figured that he wasn't important enough but Devon didn't want to make Londynn feel any type of way that she had a boyfriend while her best friend was single. If someone gave her a chance to talk about her relationship, she would talk their ear off about how much she loved him and their future plans together.

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