Chapter 4

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"I keep getting on Montè about blocking these clowns who comment stupid stuff under his pictures. I'll really knock a home girl out,"

"I'm really crying! You said clowns instead of saying what I know you wanted to say!" Londynn laughed as she tilted her head back into the water and spread her arms out.

The girls were at Londynn's house after spending their day together. The pictures from their shoot were published a couple days ago and Alicia was out celebrating with her team. She left the girls home since they weren't old enough to get into the venue that she rented out. The girls, mainly Londynn, considered sneaking and popping a couple bottles themselves but were under Gordon's supervision.

After all, it was THEM that contributed a huge part to the release.

"Whatever. You understand my point." Devon said as she sat at the poolside kicking her feet around in the water.

It was almost dusk and they were waiting for Gordon to finish preparing dinner.

Londynn swam along side her and leaned against the poolside.

"Alright alright but forreal though, school is coming up I'm sure you'll find someone new," she offered.

Devon gave her a stank look.

"You're literally the WORST to get advice from," she joked.

"You know I was kidding pooh! Ya'll been together how long and you think I would say that? But girl I don't even know what to wear on the first day," Londynn threw in casually. She was hoping to just ease in on the topic because she didn't want to flat out say "Heyy I've been homeschooled for 11 years of my life and now I'm gonna spend the last 2 actually going!!"

"Yeah you just get to look cute to sit in front of a computer screen," Devon sneered.

"Nope cause apparently we're going to be classmates or whatever," she said as she picked at her nails.

This time, it didn't fly over Devon's head.

"Wait.. you're going to Greer Oaks? As in Greer Oaks High??"

"Is that what they call it?" Londynn squinted.

Devon got up and did a dance.

"Ahhhhhhh!!! This is crazy!! Londynn Scott is ACTUALLY going to be attending a local school? Wait till they press hears this!" Devon cheered before she noticed Londynn just staring at her.

"Ok now what's wrong Ms. Diva?" Devon asked standing with her hands on her hips.

"What ISN'T wrong? I'm literally going to be in a completely different environment that I'm not used to. A public figure in a room of nobodies," she pouted.

Devon gave her a glare.

"You're acting like the girl who cried and wiped her eyes with the $100 bill. It's going to be more time for us to spend together. And no there won't be a butler at the snap of your finger so you're going to have to carry your own books," Devon joked while sitting in one of the pool chairs.

Londynn got up to join her.

"Miss Londynn and Miss Devon! I have prepared dinner when you are ready to come in!" Gordon spoke into a loud speaker.

"You sure I can't pay extra to bring Gordon?"

After eating, the girls got washed up and headed to Londynn's room for the night. Devon didn't intentionally plan on sleeping over but there was a change in plans when her mom called and said that she would be getting off of work late. As little time that they got to spend together, they were definitely prepared for times like this.

Londynn was sprawled across her bed, scrolling through Instagram while Devon was sitting in a bubble chair vibing to the music from the bluetooth that Londynn was playing. 

"I wonder how long this white is going to last because we're supposed to be having a back to school seafood boil on Sunday," Devon giggled as she admired her freshly done acrylics. 

Londynn looked up.

"And I better be invited! You know I like to bus down on some crab legs!"

"Of course of course," Devon waved off.

Devon thought to herself and began speaking again.

"Are you doing any school activities because I kinda wanted to try out for the dance team.."

Londynn shrugged as she tossed her phone on the bed.

Devon was more than excited at the fact that her best friend was going to be attending the same school as her. Inside school she never really interacted with anyone except whoever her boyfriend brought around them. She went to a majority black school and was always told that she "acted white." She didn't want to say she was "using" Londynn but perhaps having her well known best friend attending the same school as her came with it's advantages.

"Is it like the Dancing Dolls where they do competitions and stuff?" she asked.

Devon smiled.

"Something like that but I heard it's REALLY hard to get into. They even make the captain try out and she's been doing it since freshman year." she spoke up to give Londynn a push to wanting to try out.

Londynn considered and gave in.

"If it's anything compared to what Coach Ashley had us doing before she left, I'm sure we got this in the bag," she chuckled.

"What are the kids even like there?"

Devon shifted in her seat as she thought to herself.

"I mean it's your typical high school. Football games, drama, fights oh- don't tell your mom I said that though." she snickered.

Londynn sat and pictured herself walking through the halls with every student gazing up at her or asking her for the picture. She smiled as she saw random boys carrying her books and their girlfriends wishing what she had that they didn't. However, her vision was crushed when she realized the some would refer to her as Bryan and Alicia's daughter instead of just Londynn Scott.

She needed to make a name for herself and fast.

"Hellooo! Earth to Londynn?" Devon snapped.

Londynn blinked and looked around her room.

"My bad I was just thinking about cracking open those crab legs," she savored.

Devon playfully hit her and they both giggled together but stopped when Devon's ringer went off. She went to go grab it and Londynn took a quick peek to see Montè's name flash across the screen. She took the hint that she was going to be on the phone for a while and made faces at her.

While Devon sat in a bean bag talking on the phone, Londynn climbed in her bed and went to sleep. She couldn't believe that she wasn't going to be doing online school anymore. But she did appreciate that she would be with Devon more.

If y'all are enjoying the story or even if you made it all the way to this chapter, I must be doing something right. (I'm kidding well I kinda am) but pleaseee vote and comment! I really like when people do so because it shows that you're engaged into the story. Thank you to those of you who are doing so *chefs kiss*

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