Chapter 6

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"My name is Teirra Monae, but cha'll knew dat,"

Londynn was in her English class and they were playing popcorn introduction. The teacher pointed around the room and had students introduce themselves and answer a question off of the board.

"Aaaaan I guess my favorite food is anything from McDonalds- and don't hate cause their food is good asf and if you don't like McDonalds then ya momma just ain't have McDonalds money or you had food at home," she finished.

She was followed by a couple chuckles as she took her seat.

The teacher, Ms.Hunter, had a grim smile as she looked for the next student to call on. Her ruler pointed to Londynn who was sitting in her seat, fixing the bobby pin that was poking her in the scalp.

"How about we stop playing beauty shop and introduce ourselves?" she reckoned.

Londynn rolled her eyes and stood up to introduce herself. She squinted at the board and twisted her lips as she decided on which question she wanted to answer.

"My name is Londynn Scott and in 10 years I see myself branching out and making a name for myself. People always tie my name with my parents and I'm not just the Grammy Award winning actors' daughter or the retired model/fashion designers daughter. I'm Londynn Scott dot dot dot and I will fill in that blank of who I am. It might not take 10 years but it'll definitely be something," she answered before sitting down.

She sat and waited for something... anything, but everyone was quiet for a moment as they came to the realization at who she was. Soon applause erupted throughout the classroom, getting the attention of a satisfied Londynn.

The teacher tapped her ruler against the podium silencing the students.

"Introduce yourself," she demanded while pointing to another student.

After class Londynn was gathering up her stuff when someone placed their neon green, diamond studded acrylics on her desk. She looked up to meet eyes with the girl Teirra from earlier.

"Hey pretty!" Teirra greeted her with a wide smile.

"Lol Hey!" Londynn replied in return.

She stood up, throwing her bag over her shoulder.

"What's up?" she asked.

"So I really liked your speech. It was everythinggg and I was sitting there the whole time like period pooh cause ain't nobody got time to be living in they parents shadow ya know?"

Londynn nodded.

"Anyways.. you mentioned that you dance and I was like ok so sis is a motivational speaker and can dance and I wanted to offer you a spot on the dance team. I mean you automatically don't get it cause you have to try out or whateva but like I want you to try out," she cooed while pulling at the end of her extended ponytail braid.

Londynn grinned to herself because she remembered that Devon wanted them to try out.

"I'll definitely take you up on that offer. Just let me know the details and I'll be there."

"For sure, for sure," Teirra said as she pulled out her phone.

Londynn recited her number for her to copy and Teirra sent her the flyer along with extra details.

"If you have questions, you can just text me cause I do not feel like being in this lady class no longer than I need to. Her tooth is bothering me cause it looks like it's hanging on like some of these girls braids after a month," she said but whispered the last part.

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