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When Rosie made it to back to the hotel, she picked up the phone and typed Julien's number into the phone.

"Hello?" sounded tired voice in the other side of the phone.

Rosie smiled:"Hi Julien! It's me, Rosie."

Rosie looked is the door shut and Breathe out in relif.

Julien wondered:"Why this pause? “

Rosie sit down on the bed and answered:" I have so much to tell you. Or you tell me first. "

Julien started:" I miss you, Rosie. Adam is hopeless. He just started to date with Our school student and because of that he have denecy to be late at work. His polishing techinque is so wrong."

Rosie stopped him:" Julien, honey. When I started working with you I was hopless too. I wasn't Set my foot in the cafe in years. I suggest to you to start with easy things. "

Julien agreed:" Yeah, I think you are right. But now you tell me something. You made into the top 35. How you are feeling? “

Rosie explained:"I am a little bit nervous. We create a band, only thing what is missing is Our name. Feeling home sick."

In Julien's head popped an idea:"How about I am spending from Clara a little pagage with your favourite sweets."

In Rosie 's face apperade a smile:"Oh Julien. That would be Amazing. Are you sure that you know my taste
? “

Julien shuffel other side of the phone and started to read:" Sour candies "Braincrashers", long liqruce ropes "Junglewines",  tied up in the string "Crystal Pearls"... "

Rosie Stopped Julien:" Juli, I got it. I will give you an address. I love you. "

Julien sighed and said:"I love you too, Ros..."

"Rosalinda." said Rosie quickly for correction.

Julien laughed:"Rosalinda. Good night."

Rosie put the phone on the cupboard and get ready for bed.

I am so lucky to have a brother like this thought Rosie.

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