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Next morning on the news paper was write about last night.

Katherine read the news out loud to the band:"Last night we saw first time all the band has picked out their top three and two elimintated bands.

Steve favourites were irish culture music preforming  twelve member irish dance band Riverrun.

Stefan seemned to stick his roots and chose amateur vikin band band SilverSword.

The biggest Suprise was Brian's choice. He choosed the band Crystal Pearls.

Unfortunatelty two band must be elimintated. Elimintated was disco group Spaceinvaders and Euroneuro."

Band cheered:" Oh that was Suprise. Think about it to be Brian Molko's favourites. So I decided to we continue to write songs and get even better. "

Rosie wanted to pinch herself.

Their were in top 18. Now their need to Wait New challenge.

Victor tooked the newspaper and pointed at the picture:" Look mum! I've made it. I am in the news paper and not because I was doing something wrong, but because that I am in a band."

Band laughed.

Katherine looked at Victor and said:" You really make the drums pop."

Victor noddes:"Gee thanks. It's a talent."

Katherine sighed:" You just know how to get a compliments." Band laughed some more.

Brian knocked on the door and asked:"How It's going. And Concratulations to making it to the next round."

Edward shook his head:"No no, thank You. We were your favourite band."

Katherine sit down and asked:" So top 18. What's Our next challenge? “

Brian frowned:" I will not give away any clues. You must Wait for next challenge. Now that two teams are elimintated, challenges getting harder."

Rosie sighed:" But we will give Our best. I'm not sure, but peoples favourites was also big point on who will gets elimintated. "

Brian nodded:" Yes, but the final decison is in Our hands.  Go now to breakfast and singing and dancing lessions. And see you soon."

Rosie looked up to the band mates and asked:" So what's next. "

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