Chapter Two

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School hasn't been bad ever since the formation of my new crew, with Tammi and her friends. They have sort of welcomed me into the group and together we are a force to be reckoned with. Even my relationship with Amber is improving. In the beginning, I thought would create problems. The only thing she needs to change is her attitude though.

Today is Saturday and the girls and I are going to the mall for some shopping and I'm super excited. We are all gonna meet there and then Tammi's mom is picking us up afterwards, to have dinner at her house.

Tammi is the last one to get to the mall, so we wait outside for her. Max drops her off, and he seems shocked to see me there...okay.

"Hey there, Jessica, right?" he greets. Oh wow, I have introduced myself to him twice and he still doesn't remember me?

"Yes, its Jessica, hi," I say snidely. To be honest, I am a little miffed that he is acting as if he has never met me or remembers me.

"How have you been? Finding your way around school okay?" he has that perfect smile in place...hmm. No, Jessica, you need to snap out of it, his girlfriend is right next to you. I liked it better when he was ignoring me.

"Yes, I am thanks to Tammi here" I answer. Tammi interrupts him as he was about to say something.

"Okay, you can leave now Max you are wasting our girl time, shoo, shoo," Oh my gosh she's mad that he was paying attention to me!

"Jeez Tam, can't wait to get rid of me, can you? I'll see you, ladies, later," he looks straight at me.

I don't think I like Max anymore if he can't show Tammi any respect. He doesn't even kiss her goodbye as he gets in his fancy car and leaves.

What a jerk! I'd definitely want my guy to show affection towards me, but then maybe that's the romantic in me. I'm going to be the bigger woman and apologise to Tammi for her boyfriend's behaviour.

"Hey Tammi, I'm sorry about the way Max acted back there."

"It's alright Chica, I can see that he's got the hots for you" she wiggles her eyebrows up and down. Her response confuses me and her attitude her towards Max's behaviour.

"And you don't mind?" I ask.

"Of course not, I say go for it as long as you don't hurt him because then you'll have me to answer to." Wow, exactly what kind of relationship do they have, anyway? He gets all territorial when a guy even looks at Tammi, yet he can flirt and date other girls, even Tammi's friends?

The rest of the day goes by in a blur of fun activities, we get Mani Pedi's, do our hair and shop for shoes–my poison. Even though I don't splurge too much because some stores are too expensive. Every time Tammi would offer to buy something for me, it makes me feel bad. The sad part is that when the day is over I have spent more than half of my savings and I have some regrets about that.

Later on, while waiting for Tammi's mom, a Jeep stops in front of us and out steps...Max. He sure loves his hair since he has a different hairstyle now than before when he dropped Tammi off.

Just as that thought pops in my head, he bends forward to give Tammi a kiss and it's not any kiss, it's a toe-curling kiss. The one that makes you want to look the other way because you feel you are intruding on an intimate moment.

"Hello, ladies, ready to go?"

"And where exactly are you taking us?" Sarah asks my thoughts.

"Mrs Hamilton got called into work, so my mom offered to host you all for dinner."

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