Chapter Seven

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Today is Wednesday, and Max is going to teach me how to drive. To say I am nervous is an understatement. I couldn't even finish my lunch during the break. I couldn't stomach it, the bit I ate was only because Tammi forced it down my throat.

Tammi and I walk to the front gate of the school that leads to the car park and my heart is beating out of my chest.

I am nervous because I have never so much as held the steering wheel of a car because the only cars I've been in are Ubers. Also, I don't think the drivers would take too kindly to me asking to drive their cars.

"Oh, there's Max." Tammi points out.

She is excited about today because she says it's romantic. After she strong-armed me into telling her why I am nervous and sweating. She claimed that it would be a nice story to tell our grandkids that Grandpa taught Grandma how to drive and practically gave her all her firsts. Romantic sap.

I didn't answer her instead she got an eye roll because it is ridiculous. Who says we will be together fifty years from now? Ouch. Just the thought creates a pang in my heart.

Wow, this is bad, I don't think I should be feeling sad about not being with him fifty years from now. Does this mean I care for him more than I care to admit? I am hyperventilating now and Tammi thinks it's because of the driving lesson.

"Relax. Just enjoy the experience and enjoy the time with him, he is a good guy who I'm certain has the hots for you," she says with a giggle and fans her face with her hand.

Max spots us and smiles widely. I look behind us to see who he is smiling at because could it be possible he is that happy to see me. Or maybe he's that happy to see Tammi?

"Tam, baby." He greets and gives me a hug and a kiss on my forehead.

"Aww. Hhmm." See? Romantic sap.

We break apart and look to Tammi to see that she is sighing and literally has hearts in her eyes.

"Tammi, are you taking yourself home today?" I ask her, hoping that she will get a move on and stop making me feel awkward.

"Brian should pull up any moment now. He was behind me." Max answers referring to his twin brother.

Just then Tammi's phone rings and we hear that its Brian telling her whereabout he's parked.

"Shall we get going?" Max asks.

"Yeah," I say opening the passenger side door. He takes my backpack and puts it in the back seat.

We drive to a secluded park that is about twenty minutes from the school.

On the way, we make small talk about our day and I'm happy that Max hasn't picked up on my nervous energy. When we get to the park he says,

"So I thought it would be best to bring you to this place because it doesn't get too crowded and we don't want any accidents."

He doesn't wait for my response, instead; he gets out and comes around to my side and opens my door. I'm confused why he wants us out of the car and I'm about to ask him so when he tells me to shift over to the driver's side.

Thank God I didn't ask him why he exited the car because right about now I would be feeling stupid and embarrassed. I shift over and he tells me to drive. I respond by giving him a blank stare. "Would I sound stupid if I asked him how to start the car?"

"Baby start the car by twisting the keys that are hanging on the ignition," he says. Oops! I guess I said that thought out loud, huh.

Thankfully, he doesn't say it with an exasperated voice. I still feel like this is more trouble than it's worth for him because I don't know anything. I don't want him to get annoyed with me, my stomach churns just thinking of him annoyed with me. My mind immediately goes to him treating me the same way Ivy does.

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