→ How you two met ←

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' Goku °

It was summer. You were happy, mainly because you could hang out in your favorite spot. A tree that you commonly climb on and enjoy yourself by reading comics. Yeah, you could build a treehouse, but it would take a lot of time, and you couldn't be sure that you'd get it done by the time summer is over.

One day, you were reading one of the last volumes in a series you really enjoyed. You were so caught up in the story that you failed to notice that someone had plopped down on the same tree. It wasn't until you noticed his hair that you truly noticed his existence.

You slightly lend over to see the boy just a bit more. Apparently, you made some noise, because the male soon looked up. You both locked eyes.

"Uh... Hi?"
"Oh, Hey! Sorry, I didn' mean to interrupt you." When the man spoke, you were shocked. He had such a strong figure yet had more of a childish face and voice.
"Oh, no, you're alright. I was just reading."
"Really? Whatcha reading?"
"Huh? Oh... It's nothing really. I mean, It's more of those 'hard to explain but if you read the material you'll get it.' Stories..."
"Sounds cool! Can I start reading it?"
"Sure, but we'll have to head to my house and grab the first volumes."
"Alright! Let's head there now!"

You nodded your head as you climbed down from the tree you were on. You walked home as the Saiyan followed you. If only you knew that small conversation would soon bloom into a loving relationship.

' Vegeta °

You were knocked out on your bed. The polar opposite of what you wanted to do. You had so much to do, you had to clean your room, do the dishes, wash clothes, etc. Yet, your body never matched with your productiveness. It was a really good nap too, despite the fact that you had junk food, soda bottles, and other crap scattered all over your room.

It wasn't until you heard a huge bang from outside. You sprung up from what sounded like an explosion. You run towards your window and peep threw the blinds. A random space ship had landed not far from your house. Luckily, you lived with a bit of an open field, so you didn't have to worry about neighbors. Still, you thought you were dealing with something dangerous. You quickly ran towards the kitchen and hunted for the biggest knife you had.

Once you got your weapon, you slowly walked outdoors and towards the ship. Your arms started to tremble as you approached closer. Once you got to the ship, you poked your head out to see a man, who was badly injured, inside.

"What type of delivery is this." You jokingly told yourself to release a bit of tension. You examined the machine a bit. At some point, you managed to open the pod, you flew back as you saw the pod open.

Once the smoke cleared, you noticed that the man hadn't awakened yet. You looked around until you found a stick and walked back towards the pod.

You slowly poke at the male. "Hello? Are you-"
The male soon sprung up, causing you to fall due to panic. "Who the hell are you?" The male's voice sounded very serious.
You poke your head out, "I'm (Y/N)... And you, random alien creature?"
"Wha- How dare you. I'm Vegeta, the ultimate super Saiyan."
"Man, that's sounds cool! Like some cosmic video game lore. A-Anyways, you seem pretty beaten up, I'll be happy to let you heal up at my place." You placed your hand out for him to grab. The male was shocked by your random kindness.
"Hmph." Was all the male said before he grabbed ahold and was soon pulled up. Slowly but steadily, you managed to bring him inside and patch up his injuries.

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