2| Doctor

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I gazed at the tall building before me. A rehab hospital or what seemed to be one. That's where my failed attempt got me.

It was modern, newly constructed and lacking of patients; I assumed it was because it just opened.

I entered the building, passing through a tall glass door guarded by what seemed to be an officer. The light grey walls of the hall made me at ease.

I knew I had to go talk to a certain doctor but they missed to tell me where to find this person and, most importantly, the name.

Anxiously, I approached one of the guards, knowing that that was the only way for me to find what I was searching for. He eyed me suspiciously, like just me being near him was a threat.

My voice quivered, unsure if it was a good idea to ask for more details when I didn't even have the basic ones.

«Excuse me, I'm searching for...»

I was interrupted by a red haired woman that snuck out one of the nearby rooms. Her pale complexion gave her the aura of a queen and her brown eyes radiated confidence and warmth. Her smooth voice got me out of my trance.

«I believe you're searching for me. Y/N?»

I gulped at the sight and nodded clumsily. The small smile she gave me made me blush; she really was exceptional.

«Please, follow me.»

I didn't even know for sure if she was the one I was looking for but my feet started moving without questioning. I followed her through numerous corridors, all of the same grey colour of tha hall I had attended in.

Finally, we stopped by an oak door— which was odd, since every door was made out of iron or something similar. I wonder why. She opened it with a gentle movement and let me enter first. It was a rather big room, ressembling an office that you would see in films and TV shows. The most striking thing was the huge collection of books beautifully displayed behing the desk.

«Pray, take a seat.»

The way she talked confirmed to me that she was indeed a very cultured woman, intelligent and rich in knowledge. And, of course, beautiful as a rose; she looked regal in just a plain brownish skirt and a grey scaled turtle neck.

I sat down on a near couch. Comfortably and impatiently, I waited for what would have happened next.

«I suppose you know the reason of your presence here.»

Her voice was calm and her gentle lisp made it sound sweet like honey. I felt like a bee, compelled to hear more. Her expression was one of understandment and non-judgemental, making my walls crumble down in a heartbeat.

«I tried to kill myself and I'm in need of someone that can help me not... do that... again.»

She smiled apprehensively and almost proudly and, honestly, I was proud of me too; I never once talked about my inner sufferings, to anyone. Telling her my deed had been rather difficult, for before I opened my mouth minutes passed, minutes in which I just stared at her.

«And you will be helped.»

I smiled. For the first time in years, I finally felt safe.

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