4| Isolation

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After signing up papers and going through more important required procedures, we left her office to wander through the grey halls of the hospital once again.

The colour started to make me feel anxious, though at first it gave me peace. Maybe I was anxious for a different reason but the sad colour didn't help me feel any better.

We wandered through endless corridors for minutes and minutes straight, without a word being said between the two of us. The silence was killing me and the sense of awkwardness engulfed me, making me look to my moving feet.

After a long walk, Doctor Staple abruptly stopped before an iron door and with a swift movement she unlocked it, using a strange card wich I recognised as being the key.

«This will be your room.»

I entered cautiously, looking around the small room. The same grey colour was splashed on the four walls and the bed. Everything felt like a drawing made of pencil who someone forgot to fill in with colours, to give it life. Somehow, that didn't really bother; my life had been in black and white for a long time now.

Nothing filled the room, except for a small bed. The neon light above me made me squint my eyes; it was too bright for my taste.

«I'll leave you to accomodate yourself to your new "suite". I'll see you at five.»

Then she proceeded to leave, locking the door behind her. I searched for a clock but there wasn't one anywhere.


I mumbled. I looked at the ceiling and noticed a camera filming me. I was being watched, supervised, like some kind of experiment.

I sighed, sitting on the border of the bed. Million thoughts filled my head, giving me a headache. I closed my eyes, wishing for those thought to disappear but they only grew louder. They preyed on me every second of my day and they never seemed to stop. Sometimes they were quieter, sometimes not.

I didn't want to be alone with them.

Please, don't leave me in here.

The still air of the room, the nothingness of it, made my head dizzy. Silence.

I started to hum a gentle melody to keep me busy in some way, even to just hear something so that I could remain sane but soon enough it bored me and I let myself flop on the uncomfortable bed.

Sighing, I tried to close my eyes and sleep but sleep was long gone. I rolled over and pver, trying aimlessly to force myself to sleep but in vain.

As a last option, I started braiding my brown hair, though it was too short to be braided decently. I started humming a song to myself once again, regaining some peace.

But the thoughts never left.

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