9| Self-harm

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«Hey, over here!»

I smiled, waving my hand at Mario and Hanna who were waiting for me at our table.

The day before, when we met, was one of the best I yet had in the hospital, after meeting Doctor Staple, of course. I missed her, I didn't see her since the day I cried. Maybe I did something wrong?

I placed myself beside Hanna, who gave me a weak smile. Her eyes were not as lively as they were when we met. Her curly hair was in a messy ponytail and she was dressed in her grey pj, with little red hearts splattered all over it.

Mario seemed happy. He had a big smile on his pale and hollow face, his teeth a yellowy shade.

«What're you smiling for, mister Transylvania?»

His smile grew wider.

«Oh, you know... I just found me a good souvenir.»

Though I didn't understand what that meant, I just smiled and redirected my attention to the girl sat next to me. She kept her watery eyes glued to the table.

I moved my arm to caress her but my movement, even if gentle, scared her, she flinched in her seat and started crying.

«I-I'm sorry...»

She shook her head, still weeping. She got up and slowly moved away, until one of the doctors that guarded us took her to another room.

«What happened to her?»

Mario shrugged his shoulders, making a how I'm how supposed to know face.

«It's not the first time she acts like that.»

I gazed at the door in which Hanna disappeared from view, worriedly.

«Anyway... wanna see what I have?»

I nodded, curiously. He got up and took a seat next to me. He was wearing a big and loose grey pj with long sleeves. He put his slim hand in the pocket of his trousers and drew a small blade.

I gasped at the sight of it and looked at him with a preoccupied expression.

«Where did you find it?»

He smiled again, his eyes twinkling with a strange light.

«Does it matter?»

«Of course it does!»

I replied, almost screaming.

He pulled his sleeve up and I could clearly see all the cuts he inflicted on himself. He took the razor blade and made a small cut, driplets of blood rapidly appearing on the surface.

Panick started arising in me.

«Here, try it.»

He passed the blade to me and I took it, without realising it.

I felt myself entering a different state of mind, all the sounds faded in the backgroud, everything disappeared from view apart from the small blade that was in my hand.

Nothing seemed real anymore, it felt like I wasn't even living.


A stern voice woke me from my trance. I looked down to see blood coursing from my arm. When did I cut myself? Why did I do it? Pain embraced me whole. I flinched.

«Y/N! Quick, come with me.»

I looked up to see Ellie gazing at me with her piercing eyes. I started crying and got up, my vision blurred.

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