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I slowly opened my eyes, a splitting headache threatening to make me lose my conscience again. I felt the rigid and hard material of the linen under me with my fingertips; someone came and moved me from the cold tiles of the pavement to my bed.

I looked around, still a bit dizzy. I was met with the sight of the four empty walls of my little room, nothing else. No one was there beside me. Maybe I dreamt it, all of it.

The door slowly opened with a loud mechanical "click". A tall woman with red hair entered graciously the room, approaching me like a feline, with gentle movements and deep brown eyes fixed on my figure.

«I see you're awake. Are you feeling alright?»

I nodded slowly my head that still throbbed with pain. Doctor Staple sat on the end of the bed, too far away from me for my liking. She attracted me, like a magnet, and I couldn't do anything but let me be attracted to her.

«What happened?»

Her voice seemed to boom in the small room, so stern yet so delicate and gentle. How could she do that?

«I had some terrible thoughts. I think I may have had a panick attack as well.»

She hummed, nodding her head in agreement. Her soft hair bounced gently, making her look like some sort of fairy.

«That's why you pressed the button?»

Guilt engulfed me whole. I knew it, I shouldn't have bothered her for such an insignificant happening. I began apologising but she silenced me with a movement of her hand.

«There's no need to apologise, you did well to call me.»

Her soft, sweet smile made my heart miss more than a beat. She reassured me and I felt calm, which was unusual. I've always been anxious and even if people tried to calm me down, they couldn't. But with her was different, she gave off a calming aura or maybe she was just really good at her job, whatever it was I loved how whenever she was around I felt safe.

«I think we can begin our first session, if you're feeling well and ready for it. Do you think you can do it?»

Her worry made me melt. Nobody ever asked me if I wanted to do something or if I was comfortable or ready for it, they simply forced me to do it, no matter how I felt or what I thought of it. That's why I wasn't able to decide for myself, I was always indecisive and scared to make decisions.

«I think I'm ready.»

She smiled yet again, that smile that felt almost familiar already.

«Great. Then come with me.»

She got up, handing her hand for me to take and I gladly accepted, taking her hand in mine. Million stars sparked in my dark sky, her soft skin touching mine. We exited my room and I wished that moment would last forever.

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