i. the aries chapter

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(This is a POV chapter. this story is not in any way going to focus on Aries. She is just the first one in the group so it makes sense to use her as my guinea pig. there will be other POV chapters, but they wont be in order. Every sign will get a POV chapter eventually so don't stress if you're sign isn't being shown too much, cause they will eventually)

i. the aries chapter

aries pov

Well, here we go. I thought as I got on the coach that was headed towards Anali High. It was many things: prestigious, classy, tough. One word I would use to describe it is expensive. I could only dream about having enough money to afford such a school.

That's why it was lucky I got a scholarship.

To be honest, it's kinda crazy I got a scholarship. Maybe it's 'cause there are literally no subjects I'm bad at, but I would've thought my behaviour woulda messed things up.

Let me explain.

Grade 2: I beat up a kid because he beat me in a sprinting race.

Grade 4: I threw some kids scrapbook in a fire because it didn't mention me enough.

Grade 7: I sent a kid to a hospital because he was being mean to a guy just cause he was gay.

And none of those I have ever apologised for nor regretted (especially the last one. That guy deserves the fiery pits of hell and more).

Not to mention, thats just the main ones I remember. I have always been getting into fights and stuff. A lot of the time they were with ignorant boys who were like "heh, you're a girl, how could you defeat the likes of me?" when they were the literal definition of over-confident pussy.

As I got off the coach, I could feel someone's eyes on me. Turning to look at him, we made eye-contact for just a second, before he ran off.

Who was that guy? I thought, before quickening my pace towards my school house.

Pulling a piece of paper from my pocket, I quickly identified which house I would be in.

Looking at a little map I picked up, I swiftly brought myself to the front of the house. The was a small sign beside the door.

'Astro House.'

Placing my hand on the door handle, I opened it and let myself in.

"Did you hear that? I think somebody else just came."

A short man emerged from one of the rooms, followed by another man who was much taller. Their extreme differences in height made her chuckle to herself in her head.

"Yes! Finally, a girl. I'm so sick of boys." The taller spoke as he saw Aries. "Hey darling, I'm Gemini."
"I'm Aries."
"Beautiful name for an even more beautiful girl." I rolled my eyes as he flirted.

"Taurus. Don't mind him, he's always like that." The short guy finally spoke.
Gemini had a triumphant smile on his face as if he just did something that would make everyone proud. I let out a small chuckle.

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