ix. the libra chapter (part 1)

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ix. the libra chapter (part 1)

libra's pov

So, y'know, I was at school.

To be honest, I didn't mind school.

Doing things at school wasn't the worst thing.

Oh hey, look at that, the first three letters of those sentences put together make STD!
That's funny. I think.

Anyways, what was I saying again? Oh right, school. I don't know why people dislike it so much. We literally need it. People in history were fighting to get an education and now that we have it nobody wants it anymore.

It's like everybody wishes some virus would take over the world so that we don't have to go to school anymore. Or something like that anyways.

Interrupting me from my thoughts was a lovely lion, "Libra, I don't understanddd," he whined.

"What don't you understand?" I asked.

"Everythingggg," He whined again. I found myself rolling my eyes.

"Dude, this is really simple. Just find the common factor of the monomials and then go from there."

He looked at me with blank eyes, "Yeah. I know how to do that..." Pause. "Um,

What's a monomial?"

"God you're hopeless," I wacked him on the head with my book before continuing. This is what happens when you don't pay attention in class.


"Libra, are you gonna join a club?" Aquarius asked me as we sat on the grass eating our lunch.

"Mm, I don't know. I kinda wanna join the drama club tbh, but the music club looks nice too, and also the gaming club looks nice. But what about the cooking club, ughh this is too much for me to handle."

"Join all of them then," Aquarius suggested.

"But that's so much work," My lazy ass was not ready to join 4 clubs.

"I've joined 5 clubs, to be honest it's not that bad because they don't give you any work to do at home. Only the drama club does that and that's just memorising lines." She popped a chip in her mouth. "But, like, I don't wanna pressure you or anything. Just do what you wanna do."

"Mm... Sure, why not. I'll just quit if I don't like one."


The first club I decided to go to was the cooking club. If I wanna be a good wife, I'mma need to know how to cook, right?

Just kidding.

Walking inside, I said hey to the club leader. "Could I join this club?" I asked.

"Sure! My name is India," she held out her hand for me to shake.

Taking it, I said, "India? Like the country?" The girl didn't look Indian. Though I suppose you wouldn't be called the name of the country you're from.

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