ii. the 'leo makes an entrance' chapter

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ii. the 'leo makes an entrance' chapter

nobody's pov

The next couple of days more and more people started coming into Astro House, until they were all there.

The next day after Aries and Sagittarius came in, 4 new people came. Their names were Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra and Cancer. The day after that, 2 girls came in; one named Scorpio and one named Pisces. On the next day, the last person came. He made an... interesting first impression, to say the least.

Walking through the door, Leo yelled throughout the mansion.
"S'up bitches! Leo is here to bring the flavour into your lives!"

Scorpio just rolled her eyes whilst Pisces covered her ears due to the use of such a bad unholy non-christian sinful word that wouldn't bode well in her minecraft server.

Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius tackled him to the ground, just cause. They did that with every newcomer after Sagittarius had came. Some of them - ahem scorpio ahem- weren't too amused by it.

Virgo and Capricorn, being the nerds of the group, instinctively looked at each other and facepalmed.

Cancer, Aquarius and Libra didn't even hear him, because they were all at the third floor playing mario kart (which aquarius was very successfully making the others regret choosing this game) in Libra's room.

Taurus was just sitting in the kitchen eating and not giving a fuck about the commotion.

Until he remembered he was usually the one touring people around. Why am I the one touring people around when I am the laziest mothercucker here? he thought, whilst pushing his plate to the side and getting up, knowing Virgo would clean it up.

After that, a few more things had happened. Aries, being the oldest and strongest of the group, was crowned leader. She allowed Capricorn and Virgo to do the planning in the group, but mainly just Virgo since he was an expertise™.

A few days had gone by since everybody had come into the home.

Now everyone had chosen their room (except Leo. He just had to choose what he had because he came last and just kept sulking because he had to take the smallest room). Aries and Virgo had the biggest rooms, whilst Scopio and Leo had the smallest.

(here is a map of the house if you need it)

(here is a map of the house if you need it)

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