iii. the pisces chapter

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iii. the pisces chapter

pisces pov

Life is so boring. That's one thing I've learned. So, instead of thinking of a reasonable (pshh, I don't even know the word) way to have fun, I'm just gonna run around the house throwing glitter at people.

"Hey, Taurus!" I said.
"Yeah?" He replied
Then I threw glitter in his face. It scrunched up slightly and then he just looked at me.
"Aries, can we kick Pisces out of the house?" he yelled.

Aries walked into the room.
"Sorry Taurus, I'm not gonna-"
I cut her off, throwing glitter in her face.

"Pisces, do you want to die?" She tackled me to the ground and grabbed my glitter, dumping it all over me.
"Hey, now I have no more glitter!" I whined.
"suks 2 suk m8" Taurus replied, walking out of the room.

"Hey what's going on?" asked Scorpio, entering the room, "and why is Pisces on the floor covered in glitter?" she then looked at Aries, "and why are you covered in glitter? ...Is this hell?"

"Aries tackled me to the ground and dumped glitter all over me." I sulked.
"You forgot the part where you dumped glitter on me and Taurus. Karma hits like a bitch you know." said Aries.

"That's rich coming from you y'know. You prank us literally all the time." Scorpio defended, "and you know Pisces is sensitive."
"Awww, sowey, did I make your pwecious wittle baby pisces sad? awwww, awwww," she spoke in a little baby voice to try and mock me, "fuck you guys, I'm gonna see if Libra wants to climb a tree with me." and with that, she left.

Now, I do get Aries. She's so strong and smart and doesn't give a heck about anything. The thing is, I'm a lot different. I'm weak and dumb and I take into consideration everything people do to me.

The glitter thing, I don't really care about. It was fun and I guess I deserved it. But the little mocking thing she did... It just makes me feel like shit, and unlike some people, ahem scorpio ahem, I'm not very good at hiding my emotions.

"Hey, are you okay?" Scorpio woke me from my inner monologue.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine..." I got up and looked down, "am I really that sensitive?"
"What?" she looked at me dumfounded.
"Well you said 'you know pisces is sensitive,' is it really that obvious?"

Scorpio looked down and then back.
"Pisces... yeah. You're really sensitive."
I looked away. Yeah, I don't take criticism well.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I offended you." Scorpio said.
To be honest, I really feel bad for Scorpio right now. She's not usually so nice, so her trying to tell me I'm sensitive and trying to make it not sound offensive is tough for her.

I smile at the thought of her caring so much as to not offend me, "It's fine, don't worry."

Me and Scorpio actually have a lot of history. We've known each other since we were family friends (but not related) for a long while. I didn't really have any friends at school except for one person, so whenever I saw Scorpio it was always nice.

I'm just so happy that we get to go to the same school now as best friends.

Scorpio smiled back at me, something she doesn't do very often.
"Let's go get the others and watch a movie or something."

All of us sat in the TV room. Me, Scorpio and Cancer were all sitting together (water signs united!) on one side of the couch; Aries was trying to sit on her own on the other side of the couch but Gemini kept on pestering her; Virgo, Capricorn and Taurus were all sitting together on the middle of the couch (though it was mainly Cap and Virgo sitting together with Taurus more closer to Cancer than the others); and Leo, Libra, Aquarius and Sagittarius we're all sitting on Bean bags on the floor.

"Gemini, pass me the popcorn, would ya?" asked Leo.
"Okay," and he threw the popcorn over to Leo, making it hit Leo in the face and spill everywhere.

"Gemini! Oh my god, are you okay?" Libra spoke.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks for asking." Leo replied.
Libra scoffed, "I was talking to the popcorn."

I giggled at the remark and then I looked at the screen.
"Okay, everybody shut up the movie's starting!" Cancer spoke, really giddy and excited.

I can see why she was excited. We were watching To all the boys I've loved before. I'd never seen the movie but I'd heard of it.
Even after great protest by Scorpio, Aries and Gemini (gemini wasn't really protesting though. I could see he just didn't want people knowing he was a sucker for romance movies), we still decided to watch the movie.

As we were nearing the end of the movie, everyone was looking much different by the end of it. Cancer kept on crying into Taurus' shoulder saying, "oh my god oh my god oh my god are they gonna kiss please tell me theyre gonna... yes!" and she started crying even more (they were happy tears, promise).

Virgo kept on trying to tell Cancer that it was just a movie and the romance wasn't real, but Capricorn (being the amazing man he is) made sure to shut Virgo up by telling him to stop ruining Cancer's fun.

I was hugging Scorpio very tightly, and though I could tell from the movie she was in dismay, she hugged me back.

Aries at this point had fallen asleep, though she had fallen asleep onto Gemini's chest. Aaaaa my OTP! i thought. Gemini wasn't looking as smug as I thought he would. He had a geniune smile on, as his arm snaked around Aries and held her into position.

Sagittarius and Leo were huddled together eating popcorn.
"Bruh, this is so cute," Leo said.
"I know, bruh," Sagittarius replied
"Bruh, I'm like, dying inside."
"Same bruh."

"Bruh, i've always wanted something like this..." Leo brought down his hand and held Sagittarius'.
"Bruh.." Sagittarius spoke.
"Bruh..." Leo replied.

Leo and Sagittarius leaned in for a kiss and then burst out laughing.
"Leo and Sagittarius are gay for each other!" Libra yelled.

"No we are not! It was a joke." Sagittarius replied.
"Leo and Sagittarius sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G! First comes love, then comes-"

"Shut the fuck up!" Leo and Sagittarius yelled at the same time, making me giggle.

All of us are so unique and different, yet we work with each other so well. I'm so glad that all 12 of us were chosen, I wouldn't want anybody else.

1122 words

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