vii. the gemini chapter

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vii. the gemini chapter


I know that basically everyone that's not a dumbass hates school. It's philosophically proven that nobody likes it (don't at me on whether that word was used right).


I feel the need to detail every single reason why school is the epitome (pronounced e-pit-om-ey for all you dumbasses out there) of everything on earth that sucks.

No hyperbole (pronounced hiy-per-bol-ey for all the idiots out there), just straight up facts. School fucking sucks.  There's no question about it.

Why make us wake up at 6:00 in the morning and proceed to put us through 7 hours of shit that is never gonna be used in the future? It's so pointless.

Like, I understand the need to have an education. But there are so many other ways that it could be executed. We could do online school. We could go to school at a later time (for example: 12:00) so that we aren't tired the whole day. We could learn things that actually matter instead of the periodic table. In the future, I (most likely) will not need to be able to identify how many electrons are in the outer shell of a mercury atom.

Anyways, I have to cut my rant short because Virgo keeps on ushering me to join the rest of the crew as we get on the bus to school.

"Ugh, this is so boring," Aries mumbled next to me while scribbling some shit on the paper.

Update: Right now, we are in English class, having a wonderful time taking a first look at the book we're gonna be studying.

I think it was called... Ugh, I don't even know. All I know is it's about some weird scientist experimenting on body parts. Or something like that, I don't remember.

"Shut up, I don't wanna hear your dumbass complaining." Scorpio said to her from the seat in front.
"Scorpio-" Aries started speaking but got interrupted.
"Nobody likes you, shut up." Scorpio inturrupted her.
Aries opened her mouth to speak, but then closed it before saying anything.

Is she okay? I thought.
"Hey, Aries?" I whispered to her.
"Yeah?" She replied.
"Are you okay?"
"Mhm, why wouldn't I be?"
"I don't know it's just... You know that nobody liking you is bullshit right?"

She snorted and then went back to writing.
"You know you're really fucking funny, right?" she said with a sort of angry smile on her face.
"What?" I said.
"Name one person who actually likes me." the smile on her face was gone and her handwriting on the page was slightly messier.
"I like you."
"You don't count.

"Libra likes you."
"Libra is secretly an alien from outer space."

"Virgo likes you."
"Virgo says that but he's lying."

"Sagittarius likes you."
"Sagittarius is only half a person."

"Aquarius likes you."
"Aquarius only likes me 'cause she has to."

"Pisces likes you."
"Pisces is stupid and too emotional."

I gave her a look and shook her arm.
"C'mon, you have to admit there are tons of people who like you."
"Yeah but like, I don't care about any of them so what's the point."
"You don't care about me?" I gave her a sad look.

"No, I care about you." She defended.
"I thought that you didn't care about anyone who likes you."
"You don't like me.
"Yes I do."
"No, you say you do but if you - or anybody else - knew everything about me, nobody would like me."

"Wanna bet?"
She ignored my question and put her hand up, "Miss, my head is feeling a bit sore, could I please go to the nurses office?"

With that she picked up her stuff and left the room. I scoffed at her blatant lie before going back to work.


Woo! Lunch time. I never thought I'd see the day I could bite into my beautiful pizza.

Yes, I'm having pizza for lunch. Don't judge me.

We all sat down on tables. Each table was allowed 6 people, so naturally we all just split between boys and girls.
"Hey, Sag, I saw you hanging out with that one chick from Alburn House." Capricorn pointed out.
"It's not that big of a deal, she was just showing me around..." he looked down.
"Ooh, does Sagittarius have a crush?" My voice went up in pitch as I mocked Sagittarius.
"Shut up, it's not a crush. I've taken an interest to her,"

"So it's a crush." Leo spoke.
"Crush is a word for girls," Sagittarius whined.
"That's misogynistic," Virgo said to him.
"Miso-what?" Sagittarius asked.
"The fact that you don't know what the word means just proves my point."

"Guys, let's stop bullying him," Taurus intervened.
"Thank you," Sagittarius said.
Taurus continued, "He's a young man with hormones and we have to let him deal with his sexual needs on his own."

The entire table rang out with laughter and Sagittarius smacked Taurus,
"What the hell man!"
"What?" he said whilst laughing, "I am only explaining the way that you are feeling for the girl,"
"I'm not feeling anything for her," Sagittarius whined but he was smiling, so he wasn't too man.
"Anyways, I'm done with my lunch. Who wants to go out and play some basketball?" Leo asked.
"I will," Taurus replied.
Capricorn laughed out making Taurus question why he was laughing.
"It's just, how the hell are you gonna play basketball when you're literally shorter than a basketball."

Everyone on the table was set in a laughing fit.
"Ha ha very funny. Now let's get outta here before lunch ends."


After school, we all went back to the house. I just stayed in my room since there was nothing really to do. Bored, I decided to call my younger sister to ask how she was doing.

"Hello?" she said
"Hey Jasmine, it's Gemini,"
"Oh hey Gem. Why're you calling me?"
"I just wanted to say hi to my favourite younger sister,"
"...I'm your only younger sister."
"Eh, potato patato."

I love Jasmine. I really do. Even though she can be a 12-year-old piece of shit, I still love her.

"Anyways, how's school?" I asked her.
"Me and Brian are dating."
"How are you dating you're fucking 12? And it's literally the first day of school!"
"Don't be mad that I got more game than you when I'm 5 years younger. So, how about your school?"
"It's interesting, my roommates are kinda odd but odd in a good way." I thought about all the people that I felt so comfortable with even though I hadn't even known them for that long.
"Thats nice to hear, anyways I kinda gotta go because Jessica is over and I don't think she wants to hear me talk to you all day."
"Okay, bye Jazzy. Say hi to Jessica for me."

I hung up the call and then fell back on my bed.

As much as I missed my family, I knew that the people I was surrounding myself with would help me shape up into a person that the future wouldn't be able to handle.

word count: 1192

im so sorry for how long i took to update this story. ive just had really severe writers block. just know there may be a lot of mistakes since i'm not checking this because ive already kept yall waiting long enough. love yall

- mari

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