viii. the park chapter

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viii. the park chapter

After school, all the zodiacs were just hanging out.

Except for Scorpio, she was, uh...

Nobody really knows what she was doing, but she wasn't with them.

Since it was early March and spring was taking its flight, they all decided to go to the park, to try and take their mind off of anything going on.

Not to mention, the fight they had with Aries was still lingering in the air, and they wanted to all just go back to normal. To be honest, Pisces really wanted everyone to just get along, but she knew it was wishful thinking.

Having all very different people all living together in one household was proving to be challenging, but they'll make it work somehow.

Today, they decided they'd take a trip to the park. With spring just about creeping in, the weather was just begging for them all to go out and play.

"Aquarius! Libra! Come and make flower crowns with me!" Pisces yelled, holding up a daisy. The two ran over to her, Aquarius more smiley than she usually is. Wonder what's gotten her so excited, Pisces thought.

Meanwhile, Leo had taken on the role of a 6-year-old boy, jumping onto a swing with Taurus, Gemini and Sagittarius talking about how... how...
Um, I may have signed a confidentiality agreement where they forced me to not tell you what they were talking about, so, sorry mates.

Virgo and Capricorn were talking about the meaning of life and how we're never truly ready for death and how we start dying the moment we're born.

...Just kidding, they were talking about actually important things. Like the reason yodeling exists. These are the important philosophical questions you should be discussing.

However, Aries was dangling on a tree above them, also participating in the discussion.
...And when I say participating in the discussion I mean shooting out pointless things like, "Guys, let's have a threesome!" and Cap replying with, "Not in front of my salad!"

Now, let's see, have I mentioned everyone?
I haven't mentioned Scorpio, but she was off stalking an ex or something.

I think I've mentioned everyone... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11... Who am I missing?
Oh, I'm missing Cancer. Sorry Cancers, you're just really easy to forget.

Now that I think about it, what was Cancer doing?
If I look at my files, I can see that she was sitting. By a tree. Alone. With her legs huddled to her chest. Her arms around it.


lmao loser-

None of the other zodiacs seemed to notice her there (I told yall - Cancers are really easy to forget about).
Well, none of them except one.

Taurus couldn't focus on the goddamn conversation cause of Cancer. She just looked so lonely and sad. He couldn't help but empathize and worry for her.
"I'm gonna be right back," he said to his friends.

Walking over to Cancer, he sat down next to her, looking into the distance. As he did this, Cancer changed her sitting position from tuck to being cross-legged, so as not to look as pathetic as she did.

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