ix. the libra chapter (part 2)

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ix. the libra chapter (part 2)

libra's pov

"Fine, the truth is, I don't want Libra in this club."


What the fuck was she talking about? How did she even know who I was?

"Why not?" Aquarius started talking before I could even say anything. It was probably better that Aquarius was the one talking considering she was much more confident than me. Not that I'm not confident, just she's more.

"I can't tell you." Ashley spoke bluntly. "All I'm telling you is Libra isn't allowed in the club." Aquarius opened her mouth and was about to say something but Ashley interrupted her again. "Aquarius, don't pester me. I can remove you from this club too." I could tell Aquarius wanted to say something but she had some self control to shut her mouth.

A thought came into my head. "Hey, is this to do with what Gemini was whispering in your ear earlier?" It just hit me like a bat swung against my head. I mean, did you see how weird they'd been acting?

"Aha, yes." We stood in silence for a bit. "I'm gonna... stand over here." Gemini moved over closer to the club leader.

Huh. Weird.

He whispered something in the leader's ear - the leader's name was Ashley, something I had learned earlier. After he whispered in her ear he backed away and walked over to one of the other members of the club.

Of course, surely that had to have a been something to do with it!

I could feel Ashley getting tenser. "Ugh, fine! Yes, it was to do with Gemini." As much as I saw that coming, the words she said still shocked me a bit, "Gemini asked me not to let you in the club. I don't know why, you'll have to ask him."

Gemini doesn't want me in the club. Why? Me and Gemini have always been on good terms. I mean, we don't talk that much but from the little times we have talked, we've never gotten into a fight. What's going on? I could feel myself slowly about to panic (! at the disco. sorry, author-nim is a huge p!atd fan), but thankfully I think Aquarius could sense this.

We went over to another part of the room and sat down, my head spewing with confused thoughts, though Aquarius cut me out of it. "Look, whatever your thinking, stop. Let's just talk to Gemini and then you can let your mind do whatever bullshit it wants."

I nodded and smiled lightly at her. This is why me and Aquarius are best friends, she just gets me so much. Never could I ask for anybody better.


Instead of confronting Gemini at the club, I decided to wait at the house until he came home. I'm not the kind of person that wants everybody to see my emotional conflicts with people. Aquarius wasn't with me because she also had drama club with Gemini, but I told her not to to confront him because I wanted to. When I heard the front door open, I went downstairs to see Gemini. "Hey Gem, could you come with me? We need to talk." He gave me an odd look but obliged anyway, taking off his shoes and following me into my room.

"Why did you tell Ashley not to let me in the drama club?" I cut the crap. I'm not gonna waste my time pampering him up. Just letting him know what's up straight away is what is best.

"What?" He seemed surprised by my bluntness.

"You fuckin' heard me. Why'd you tell Ashely to not let me the fuck in the drama club?" As much as I tried not to get angry, I could feel it rising up in my chest, a burning feeling.

He sighed, clearly not wanting to have this conversation. "I can't tell you."

Nuh uh. I wasn't having this. I pushed him up against the wall. "Look here bitch, you'll tell me what the fuck is going on or I'm gonna make sure you can't fucking walk.

"Try me," he challenged. Oh, he's asking for it. Stepping back, I lifted my foot and kicked his you-know-what.

"Fucking tell me," I said as he hissed in pain, grabbing his crotch.

"What the hell man?" he said.

"If you don't tell me it's not gonna be the only time." I threatened. I can be a crazy bitch when I want.

"Okay, okay fine!" He put his hands up in surrender, "I'll tell you. Now, don't tell Aries I told you this, but she's embarrassed." Embarrassed? Of what? "She has a really big passion for acting and musical theatre, but is really embarrassed. When she saw you enter the club, she told me to tell Ashley not to let you join so you wouldn't know she's in the drama club and then she ran off."

I thought back to before,

The thing that really confused was that when I walked in, I saw that both Gemini and Aries were in this club.

When I made eye contact with Aries, she seemed to have an internal panic. Like, her face just drained of all energy. She whispered something I didn't hear in Gemini's ear before running off.

Huh. Weird.

So that's what Aries was whispering in Gemini's ear. Huh. We wrapped up the convo and I let him leave whilst I waited for Aries to come home so I could talk to her about that. Though something odd happened.

Aries didn't come home that night.

I thought of tons of possibilities for why that could be, but all of them end in her dying. I just let it be but a part of me was extremely worried about her. Even after asking Gemini he said he didn't know where she was. Great.

As I was walking around I saw Cancer and Taurus talking to each other. And, hold up, is that a blush I see on Cancer's face? That's honestly adorable. To be honest, Taurus and Cancer would make a great couple.

I walked up stairs, went into my room and passed out (not literally) on my bed.


905 words (not including flashbacks)

1027 words (including flashbacks)


boring fucking chapter, i know

just needed to get some good ole' explanation in here. also, i know there is like so much aries in this so far. and i am sorry. i didnt mean for that to happen.

in the future there will be less aries. though not next chapter. next chapter is literally aries birthday chapter

every 5 chapters is someones birthday and its aries. thats just how the wind blows. if any of yall feel like your sign isnt being included enough please tell me so i can put more of your sign in

thats is loves, thanks

- mari

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