Chapter Twenty One

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Leonardo was in a too good mood bordering to alarming. Bellissa let her green eyes drift furtively along the muscled figure sitting comfortably on the driver seat before she took a sit at the passenger side. He was tapping lightly on the wheels.

Where is his personal chauffeur, limousine? This call for a change she thought grudgingly.

As she bucked up, she straightened her knee length flora emerald summer dress. She had made sure to dress careful not to appear eager to impress him, what was she thinking? A man like Leonardo Ferraris don't make a habit of following a single girl around.He usually does his shopping among beauty queens and film stars.

She could live without his love. She could ball up her heart into a block of ice. She could ignore her feelings. She'd done it for the past month. So she must stop worrying and thinking about conducting this business with dignity and be done with it.

The black porsche slid off the a long gravel path and took it to the main road outside in the bright Italian sunlight the beautiful country scene -an ironic background to the dauntlessness that kicked her in the stomach. She looked at the source of the churning in her stomach, a tilt of his sensual lip in a mystery smile like he just discovered the way to everlasting

Narrowing her eyes,"why are you smiling?"

"How couldn't I? I'm with the most beautiful woman in the world." he murmured with a broad, infuriating grin.

"There's no need to turn on the heavy charm," she said caustically, painfully aware of her quickening heartbeat, and the way her pulse seemed to be racing out of control. Leonardo was beautiful but when he smile he was lethal

"Cara mia, you are the only woman in Italy who can resist my charm."

"Someone has to, I wonder how that huge ego of yours hasn't suffocated you so far" Bellissa said vehemently.

He laughed boisterously and that just alarmed Bellissa even more. "You're so good for my ego, cara."

Bellissa was so busy fuming to realize the direction of the long black porsche wasn't going to the direction of his grandmother but rather it was speeding up to the private field and the unmistakably Leonardo private jet was looming like a giant hawk. "Where are you taking me?"

Her distress was so obvious that Leonardo gave a frown. "You're working yourself up into a state."

"You are right I'm in a damn state, who wouldn't be? I'm being kidnapped."

His dark lashes flickered. He was coolly amused. "Don't be dramatic, cara."

"Dramatic or not I'm not getting out of this car and I'm not going anywhere with you." Leonardo's appraisal was swift, and she was totally unprepared as he lifted her slender frame over one shoulder.

An outraged gasp left her throat. "What in hell do you think you're doing?.. you insufferable-arrogant..." Bellissa was too full of boiling rage to think of any more epithets, nearly exploding as he continue to stroll down casually.

"Getting you to the jet."

"Put me down."

His silence was uncompromising, and she beat a fist against his ribcage in sheer frustration. With little effect, for he didn't release her until they reached the jet.

'You fiend!' Bellissa vented

He dumped her on the cabin, she stood up abruptly trying to make her way out of the jet. "Sit down." Leonardo said hardily.

Her eyes sparked furiously alive. "Don't you dare give me orders."

He bit off a husky oath and pulled her in against him, then his head lowered and his mouth took punishing possession of her own. Bellissa struggled fruitlessly for more than a few seconds, and then whimpered as he held fast her head. His tongue was a menace force, and she hated her traitorous body for the way it began to respond. The hands which beat against each shoulder stilled and crept to link together at his nape. Her mouth softened, and she leaned in to him, uncaring that only seconds before anger had been her sole emotion. She sensed the slight shudder that ran through his large body, felt the hardening of his desire.

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