Kozume Kenma x Hinata Shoyo (Haikyuu!!)

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"Shoyo, why are we here?" a young man with black hair mostly dyed blond deadpanned at a ginger boy bouncing in place next to him.

"We're gonna play hide and seek with Bokuto-san, Akaashi-san, Kuroo-san, and Lev!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Is that legal, Shoyo? Police have had to escort people off the premises before," the catlike boy sighed.

"I don't know! But don't be a stick-in-the-mud, Kenma! You and I are small, so we have an advantage!" Shoyo jumped into the air.

"Fine, let's get this over with. I could be playing Pokémon right now," Kenma grumbled.

"Hey, hey hey!" A teenager with silver and black hair grinned widely as he approached Kenma and Hinata, alongside two black-haired boys and a very tall silver-haired half-Russian.

"Hi, Bokuto-san!" Hinata exclaimed and bounced into the air. "Hi, Lev! Akaashi-san! Kuroo-san!"

"Hey Chibi-chan! You ready for some hide-and-seek?" Kuroo smirked.

"YEAH!" Hinata bounced happily.

"Okay, so Akaashi and Lev will seek first. Only the seekers are allowed to separate more than three meters," Kuroo explained.

"Kenma and Hinata are a team, and Kubro and I are a team," Bokuto explained.

"Okay, well, go!" Akaashi announced.

Kuroo and Bokuto immediately bolted, but Hinata practically had to drag Kenma along with him. 

Hinata found a spot underneath a bed and dragged Kenma down next to him. He and Kenma were facing each other with their noses centimeters apart. Kenma held his phone and began to play Pocket Edition Minecraft. 

"Kenma," Hinata whispered hurriedly, "stop playing around."

"Shoyo, it's just a game. You're so serious," Kenma rolled his eyes.

"But I want to win!" Hinata whispered.

"Shoyo, let me play my game."

"But I want to talk to you."

"Oh my god, Shoyo, shut up!" Kenma 

"Why?" Hinata whispered.

Kenma quickly did the first thing he could think of to stop Hinata's blabbering, which was kissing him. Hinata went red but kissed back. After a moment, Hinata pulled away and stared in wonderment at the setter before him.

What the little setter and tiny blocker didn't know was that Lev, Akaashi, Kuroo, and Bokuto had all seen it happen and were exchanging money from bets.

"Kenma, do you want to date me?" Hinata was redder than he ever thought possible.

"Okay, Shoyo," Kenma smiled brightly.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long!! Thanks for reading!

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