Nagisa Shiota x Reader

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Requested by YouthfulAizawa 

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"I really think we could make a trap for Koro-sensei with IKEA furniture," Sugino explained to Isogai, Kayano, Nagisa, Karma, and Y/N.

Karma scoffed, "Yeah? How? That sounds stupid."

"Well, Koro-sensei has trouble with puzzles, and everyone knows IKEA furniture is like a puzzle," Y/N piped up from her place next to Nagisa, where she was leaning on his shoulder.

"Exactly!" Sugino grinned.

"Where would we get the money for IKEA furniture?" Isogai asked.

"Professor Bitch is pretty loaded. Or, I bet the Ministry of Defense could spare it," Kayano shrugged.

"What do you think, babe?" Y/N nudged Nagisa.

"Well, we could probably mess up his desk. Then he'd have to get a new one," Nagisa suggested.

"Yeah, but who's gonna do that? I mean, you can get in trouble for tampering with school property. So...either Terasaka or Karma should do it," Y/N decided.

"That meathead would manage to screw up even something like this. I'll do it," Karma grinned devilishly.

"So we have a plan?" Sugino looked around the group. Everyone nodded.

"I'll call Professor Bitch and pick out a new desk. We can claim that we noticed that Koro-sensei's desk was in bad shape so we got him a new one," Kayano smiled.

"Isogai, can you help me distract Koro-sensei while he's assembling the furniture? That way, Nagisa, Karma, and Y/N can get into position. Let's try getting Ritsu in on it, too. We can't have too many people, or else it'll be suspicious," Sugino received a thumbs-up from Isogai.

~The Next Day~

"Good morning, class!" the sun-colored octopus entered the classroom as enthusiastically as ever and set his attendance book down on the desk, which consequently collapsed in a heap of wood and dust.

"Koro-sensei! Sugino and I noticed your desk was looking a little unstable, so we picked out a new one for you!" Kayano walked in with Isogai, Sugino, and Kimura bringing in the cardboard box holding the desk.

"How thoughtful, Kayano!" Koro-sensei grinned wider than usual

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"How thoughtful, Kayano!" Koro-sensei grinned wider than usual. Then he sweatdropped as he realized he'd have to put it together.

"Is something wrong, sensei?" Ritsu asked.

"N-nothing!" Koro-sensei's nervousness was truly apparent.

Itona and a couple other members of Terasaka's gang approached Koro-sensei, clearly wanting to help with their home economics skills. 

"Nagisa," Y/N whispered, "No one invited Terasaka's group to the plan, right?"

Nagisa nodded and clasped his lover's hand tightly. 

"So, they're about to screw up the plan?" Y/N's E/C eyes went dull with disappointment.

"...Yes," Nagisa face-palmed and slid his fingers into his light blue hair. Y/N hung her head and sighed, then glanced at Karma, who looked pissed. He was definitely going to mess with Terasaka after class. Y/N set her head on Nagisa's shoulder in defeat. The bluenet* hugged his girlfriend tightly. "We'll get him next time."

"Nagisa, Y/N, get a room!" Karma yelled.

Nagisa went red and attempted to separate himself from Y/N, who thwarted his plans by rolling her eyes in Karma's general direction and kissing Nagisa on the cheek.

Author's Note: Wow, this is the longest oneshot I've written. I hope no one was too OOC.



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