A dark figure.

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This was when I was 3 years old and my sister was a 1 year old. So your asking me what is this dark figure you speak of. Well this happed at night (of course... it's always at the night...) and I woke up late at night. My mom would always go to my grandma's room with a friend to play poker and I suppose that's where she was. My sister was still fast asleep so I went out of our room to find our mother. When I went out of the room and into the kitchen I saw a dark figure. I had no idea if it was my mind messing with me or not but the logical thing I could only think of was to see what or who it was. I walk over to the strange figure and in a mila second it was gone. I got scared and looked around to see if it went somewhere else but it was gone. To this day forward I still don't know if my mind was messing with me or not... but it still freaked me the heck out. I sometimes wonder if it was a robber and I scared him just like he scared me. But it couldn't because it vanished like a shadow. Or it may just be because I was tired. But I don't know. 

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