To shoo a pregnant cat.

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I was really sad about this memory still being in my God forsaken head. Why? Because it's about another cat. This was when I was 7 years old. I was getting ready for school and eating eggs. When I went outside a bloody cat scared me. And i'm not saying bloody as in an f word. I'm saying bloody because it was really... a bloody cat. The cat made me jump. When I notice it was bleeding I called my mom about it. My sister went outside as well. My mother saw the bloody cat and ran to get a broom. Why a broom? Because she was trying to make it go away. She poked it with the broom and told it to go away. When she told me and my sister to go to school we went to school. When we got back however... the cat was gone. We asked where it went and our mother said that animal control had taken it away. She also said the cat turned out to be pregnant and was about to give birth on the shoe rack. I really hated this memory due to a lot of reasons. 

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