Ball head.

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Specking about my friend we would come up with ways to have a good laugh. And how exactly? We just be stupid and do random things is all. This was when I was 11 years old. Me and my friend wanted to find a new way of making each other laugh in the stupidest ways ever. We tried alot of things but it was just 2 minutes of laughter. And that wasn't enough for us. We wanted more. I was wearing a big rain jacket and I was holding a soccer ball. I came up with an idea that had me injured. In all reality I wasn't even suppose to get injured but he I am getting injured every day. I put the soccer ball in my hoodie and went to the chest area of the jacket and began to walk. I heard my friend laugh out loud and I began to laugh. Soon after tho he punched the soccer ball. I fell when he did so and got back up sore. He did it again and woopty do same thing happened. Soon other kids saw him doing it and THEY began to punch away. This was the worst joke I ever came up with as well...

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