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We all have choices. We pick and there we go. You made a choice. Sometimes you pick the right one and sometimes not. Sometimes it could take us forever to think of. But one of the biggest choices for me is that do I continue to try my best to be calm and always kind or do I give up and let my sadness take over? Am I always good? No. Am I always bad? No. Another choice is if I want to go to Heaven or to Hell. I don't know and I don't care where I get sent to. If I had sin a whole lot then Hell it is. If I somehow get forgiven and sent to Heaven then hallelujah. I will accept that i'm worthy or not to walk with angels. My choices matter. And so do you. We all have to be careful of what we pick or we may get pushed over the edge. But at the end we need to accept it. So again... I don't care if I get eternal life or not. Or even IF there is Heaven. But there is Hell. This... this is Hell. The world we live in... is Hell. This was a part of my life. If I chose to help the person in need or to ignore them and abandon them. If I chose to spare or to kill. If I chose to help myself or to help others in need and not to take care of myself. We have all the time... but instead... we have a world that half of us don't even care about. We have the hippies, the friendlies, the helpful and caring. And then we have the controls, the rich, the evil people and terrorist. We have jobs so we can have money so we can buy food and stuff we need. We work until we die. And then our kids work and then die. And then there kids and so on so forth. Everyone... everyone has to work. It's a choice but if you chose to not work then your life may end short. The people that care for themselfs see the world as... useless, stupid and wanting everyone to obey them. The people that care for everyone sees the world as... broken, evil and corrupt. And now... we got Covid-19. And already an alarming amount of people had died do to this corona virus. Those people had there life's cut short... not giving them enough time to live there whole life. I just want to say this before I end this chapter right here. Love everyone, treat them the same as you want to be treated, don't end your life or that will be your last mistake, do your best and never give up, stick up for people who need your help. And now... i'm done. Have a great day.

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