'Dressing' up.

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This was my most hated but fine memory when I was 8 years old. So what makes it my most hated memory? Wearing a dress. Yes I wore a dress. My mother didn't think it would fit my sister so she asked me to wear it. I tried it on blushing and not wanting to be at in home for 3 hours . And guess what? It fit me. When my sister tried it on it was a bit big for her. And that wasn't the only time I wore a dress. My mother made me wear a dress to see if it fit HER. I was almost as tall as her. When I tried it on it was a trap. She put makeup on my face and took a picture to send it to her Facebook. I have now dealt with the fact I had hated myself. But through out now I don't care much then I used to. And there's no reason try something... well I hated it the second time. I just have to accept what the heck happens.

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