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There were times when I felt love for a girl. This happen when I was 6 years old. I won't say her name so I can keep her name unknown and secret. She was a very kind person- a loving person if I added. Before I loved her we where great friends. We liked to play with each other with other friends and such. I'd make masks for us to wear. Play tag. It's all fun and games really. At grade 4 her family needed to move somewhere else. When she left I felt sad. At grade 7 tho I met another girl who slightly likes my jokes. She was very loving and caring. At school we would talk alot about of what's going on in our lives. She was having alot of tough times and I would try to help her with her troubles and worries. Soon at the last week at school I told her that I liked her. And to my surprise she liked me back. She also had some crushes back then as well. Back at her school she had a boyfriend. Soon after they broke up. Meanwhile when she moved to the school i'm in she liked my friend. After she knows that he had a crush she liked another boy in the class. Let me just say the boy she liked is a big donkey. Soon after she hid the fact she liked me not knowing I liked her back. And that's all really.

To be honest I have no idea why I told you guys this.

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