Bug keeper.

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I used to be a bug keeper when I was 5 years old. I would study bugs and there motivations. My favorite bug to study was ants. Ants are kind of like us. We build things. Scavenge for stuff. Carry things that may be heavy. I would always start my own ant colony by finding a nice wide glass jar. Or just making an ant mound myself. When I use a jar I have to fill it up with dirt. Sometimes I put grass on top. When I put the ants I find in the jar I would always put some fruit inside it. My most ever longest lasting ant colony lasted 5 weeks until I let them go. Inside the jar there was an abundance amount of ants and even some eggs. I was proud of this and decided to let them go. When I made an ant mound I would use those plastic buckets and fill it up with dirt. I would even put water in the bucket as well so the dirt will become moist. I would wait for a while and then make that ant mound. After that I wait for some nearby ants to notice it and make it there home. I waited for 30 minutes for them to make it there home and boy oh boy there where a lot of them. Who knew that 20 or so builder ants needed to dig there way in. After that tons of ants moved in. Some stayed in there hole where the queen is. I also found out that there are big ants that could fly. They show up around the summer and fly everywhere. That's when I noticed that they where all queens and kings. The kings would die after losing there wings but the queens live on. When a nearby queen is spotted by an ant patrol they will all run to the queen and try to lead her to a ant mound. Once the queen is at the ant mound then the other ants around the mound go crazy and try to help her. After that they claim her their queen.

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