6 • William Larson

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Colette woke up extra early the next couple mornings, visiting Lily to see how she was doing, who was angry and hurt. She would then wake up the rest of the marauders to bring them to breakfast. She also hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Jax about the letter that she received, wanting to know if he had gotten one too.

"I figured Lily would start talking to me by now. You know, because of the whole snivellus situation." James commented, shoveling freshly scrambled eggs into his mouth.

"Maybe if you weren't so bored with your lives that you had to bully Severus, this wouldn't have happened." Coco mumbled.

"You're not seriously taking his side, are you?" James inquired, putting down his fork in disappointment. Peter, Sirius, James, and Remus all sat looking at her with anticipation.

Coco sighed, revealing a weak smile.

"I'll always be on your side. As long as James remains tolerable." She joked with a laugh, rolling her eyes.

James pumped his fist in the air in celebration, yelling "Thats my girl," then ruffled Coco's hair, who was sitting across from him and in between Remus and Peter.

"Do any good you know how to sneak Firewhisky into school? I'm getting so, so tired of pumpkin juice. Yeah, it's good, but does it make me drunk? No." James complained.

"You're such an alcoholic." Remus scolded with a smile. Coco laughed and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm tired." She yawned.

"Well if you want, you can stop getting up early each morning to see Lily. I'll gladly take your place, if you want. What does she look like when she's asleep?" James asked. This made Coco giggle.

"You're obsessed, Prongs." She said with her eyes closed and her head still on Remus's shoulder.

"Just a bit." Sirius agreed.

"Anyways, Sirius, I saw you with Betty Kinley yesterday, what's that all about?" Coco asked him. Sirius sighed.

"I don't know, honestly. Another fling. I kinda want something more serious now, you know?" He said sadly. He quickly wanted to change the subject.

Sirius then lowered his voice with mischievous eyes, and whispered to the group.

"So, full moon tonight. We leave at da-"  Sirius was cut off by William Larson tapping Coco on her shoulder. Remus was already in a bad mood because of his transformation tonight, it was very visible through the dark circles under his eyes. He scoffed and rolled his eyes at William's presence, earning a curious glance from James. He looked sad when Coco lifted her head from his shoulder.

"Hey, Coco, hope I'm not interrupting anything. I was wondering if you wanted to see me during our free period together, I wanted to show you something." He said with a hopeful smile.

"She's busy." Sirius overprotecively said. He glanced at Remus, who was pushing bacon around on his plate.

"No, no i'm not busy. We both have Charms before that, i'll see you after." Coco smiled, causing Remus's jaw to clench.

James and Sirius gave death glares to William on his way back to the Hufflepuff table, as he sat down and got pats on the back from his friends.

"What do you say we get ready for transfiguration, yeah?" Peter said breaking some of the tense feeling in the air.

"Actually, me and Padfoot need a quick word with Moony, here. You and Coco can go though." James said with a smirk.

Peter and Coco stood up, walking toward the transfiguration room.

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