Task number 1: food

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"Alright!" Ochaco clapped her hands together and tried to smile. Key word: tried. We could all see the worry in her face but no one said anything about it, we needed to stay positive. "We need to be able to survive out here till someone rescues us." She states. "But how are we gonna do that?" Kirishima asks her. "Well if it's anything like the mov-"
"It's not gonna be like the movies, dumbass" Bakugo interrupted Deku. "Well how do you know?" He questions Bakugo. "Because movies are always fake!" He snaps back. "Guys let's not get into dumb arguments, kay?" Kirishima put his hands between Bakugo and Deku. Bakugo folded his arms and grumbled something to himself about Deku being stupid, while Deku apologized. "We should focus on getting food." Shinsou finally had said. "Good idea!" Kaminari smiles at him. Then he looked back at the plane, "I doubt it, but, do you think there might some food we can salvage from the plane?"
"Maybe" Todoroki answered and made his way over to the plane. Followed by Kaminari and Shinsou. While they went to look for food Ochaco asked "do you think we should try to make a fire while they look for food?"
"It's not a bad idea" Deku stated, "does anyone know how to make a fire?"
"I read somewhere that if you take string and two sticks you can make a fire." Kirishima said. "Well it's worth a try" Ochaco smiled. "Me and Tsu will look for fire wood, while you three work on making the fire." As the three were walking through the plane wreck kaminari wanted to vomit when he was looking at all of the dead bodies. He put his hands over his mouth and tried to keep a lookout for any surviving food. "Hey, you okay?" Shinsou had asked him. "Yeah... I'm fine... its just..." he started to say. He had to stop mid sentence to take a breath before continuing, "all these dead bodies... are making me... feel... sick..." he finally managed to say, without puking. Shinsou places his arm around kaminari's shoulder and gave him a comforting smile. "Here hold on to me so you don't pass out" he jokes and let's put a chuckle. Kaminari giggles and they walk together, still scanning the plane for any food that might be left over.
'Unlucky' kaminari thought, as they walked back to the group empty handed. "Did you find anything?" Kirishima walked over and asked. Todoroki simply shook his "where are Tsu and Ochaco?" He asked. Kirishima pointed towards the woods and said "they went to go look for some fire wood while me, bakugo, and midorya worked on getting the fire started."
"So how is that going?" Kaminari asked. "Well we found two sticks but couldn't find any string" kirishima said, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh, here" kaminari pulled a loose string out of his jacket and handed it to kirishima. "Why didn't we think of that?" Kiri said to himself. "We still need food though" Shinsou reminded the group. "Why don't you make some weapons and go hunting?" Bakugo said. "Well they usually do that in movies" Deku smirked. He knew he would regret making that comment but in that moment he just had to. "SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD!" Bakugo shouted. "Guys settle down, please" kirishima begged. "Sorry I couldn't help myself, it was a perfect opportunity to say something" Deku apologized. "It's not a bad idea" Todoroki said. "But we don't necessarily know how to make weapons, or have the materials to make them." Bakugo scoffed and walked over to the plane. He went to where his seat in the plane would have been. "It's not much but I have a few knives." He says pulling out three knives from the bag. "On normal circumstances I'd be pissed that you snuck knives on the plane, but right now I'm so thankful" kirishima then sighs of relief. "Wow I didn't think Bakugo would be so generous!" Kaminari joked. Everyone laughed except, of course, Bakugo who mumbled "shut up extra". Then Todoroki, Shinsou, and Kaminari, each took a knife.

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