The Shinkami you've been waiting for

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After seeing the bear Todoroki, Shinsou and Kaminari had been split up- well almost. Mainly Shinsou and Denki lost Todoroki. Though they figured he would be fine since he seemed like a strong dude. "Geez" Kaminari grumbles. "How are we gonna out of here, I don't even know where we are..." "honestly Kami, I don't know." Shinsou responds. "Hey I like that!" Denki states, looking at Shinsou with a smile plastered on his face. "Like what?" Shinsou asks. "The nickname, y'know. Kami" he says. "Gasp!" Denki says. "Did you really just say the word gasp?" Shinsou asks. "Yes but that's not the point, if you have a nickname for me already I should call you something..." he says looking deep in thought. Shinsou gives him a 'that's not necessary' look, but Denki just ignores it. "I've got it! What about Toshi?" "Toshi?"
"Yeah! I think it's cute!" He smiles. "We should really find something to kill so we don't come back empty handed. Then I don't know, we look for Todoroki or something?" He says, completely and unintentionally changing the subject. "That sounds like a good idea" Shinsou responds. As they kept walking it got darker. "Umm Toshi?"
"I forgot to mention I'm scared of the dark..." he says, now latching onto Shinsou's arm. "Don't worry we'll get out of here" Shinsou responds, running his fingers through his hair. Denki looks up barely able to see the tall, sleep deprived boy's face. He gives him a bright smile. "Thanks". Suddenly they both stop. "Wasn't Uraraka and Tsu talking about an oasis?" Denki asked staring out into the quiet haven. It had a waterfall and trees, which animals were sleeping in. (Yes it is the same place). "Does that mean we might be close to camp?" Denki says. "Maybe, but we can't just come back empty handed. We need to get at least a few rabbits or something."
"Good point" they entered the oasis, in search for animals. Shinsou looked down at the blond. 'Shit how can that be fair?' He thinks. When he looked down he saw the way the moonlight reflected off of his yellow hair. And how the stars twinkle in his eyes. The night sky made him look like an angel sent to earth for the sole purpose of making the world a brighter place. He felt the heat rushing up to his cheeks. 'What are you thinking Shinsou? Compose yourself!'
"Look! All those rabbits!" Denki says in a sort of whisper voice. Denki grabs his knife and so does Shinsou. On the count of three they both rush in getting as many rabbits as they can. Collectively they managed to get ten. "Hey not bad!" Denki smiles. "Though I do feel terrible for killing all of those innocent rabbits" he frowns. As soon as Shinsou saw his frown, he made it his life goal to ensure that Denki never frowned again. "Yeah, well we should really start to find our way back. I'm sure Todoroki has already managed to find his way." Shinsou says, looking at the exit of the oasis. "Yeah I wonder what he caught for food." Denki says. They each grab five rabbit corpses and start walking. "Maybe if we go straight from the exit we'll find camp" Denki says looking into the dark woods. "Good idea" is all Shinsou says and they start slowly walking. Until they hear a roar. (dun Dun DUN). Denki lets out a small scream and subconsciously wraps his arms around around Shinsou. Shinsou flinches at first then asks "what was that?"
"I don't know and I don't want to find out" Denki replies letting go of Shinsou. Suddenly the same bear from earlier emerges from a bush and stares at the two boys. It eyes called out for food and sadly they had lots of it. Denki quickly tossed it three rabbits. The bear saw the dead rabbits on the ground and started to eat them. While it was distracted, the two boys fled from the scene. "I'm sure they wouldn't mind seven rabbits right?" Denki says looking at the two rabbits left in his hand. "Yeah. And also that was some pretty quick thinking back there" Shinsou says, he then proceeds to pat his head. "You think so? I don't know I just figured it was hungry and needed something to eat." Denki says shyly rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey do you need me to take a few rabbits from you since you're holding five and I'm holding two?" He looks over to Shinsou. Shinsou responds by handing him a rabbit and Denki takes it. "Hey look it's a fire!" He yells, a giant smile emerging on his face. He then runs over to it with three rabbits still in his hands. "Hey guys sorry were late!" He calls over to them. He then turns his attention to Todoroki "I knew you'd beat us her-" he then glances down "YOU CAUGHT A WHOLE WOLF!" He exclaims. This caught Shinsou's attention and he looked over, sure enough, there was a dead wolf lying on the ground. "Yeah, it attacked me so I killed it and figured it would make good food." He says. "That would explain the bandage" Shinsou adds. "We only caught seven rabbits. Well we had more but then that bear came back and I had to toss a few rabbits to it so we could get out of there" Denki says. "Well what are we waiting for?" Ochako said excitedly "it's time to have a feast!"

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