Todoroki lost in the woods

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(Todoroki's P.O.V.)

The three of us entered the woods while everyone else starts to make the fire. Originally we had planned to stay together but things change. We were walking when all the sudden a bear jumped out of nowhere and we all ran in different directions. I was alone. In the woods. Surrounded by nothing but trees. And leaves. And- did I forget to mention that I'm scared of being lost and alone in the woods? Cause I am. Great. Just great. I gripped my knife tighter because, well, I wasn't taking any chances. This is basically the start of a horror movie. 'Ok you got this' I start psyching myself up. 'Just kill a rabbit or something and get the hell out of here'. I kept walking. I look up and "great" I say out loud. It's starting to get dark. 'Yeah screw it' I start running and calling out for Shinsou and Kaminari. There is no way in hell I am staying in a DARK forest ALONE and LOST. Nonononono. No way in hell. Me? No. Never. "Ok calm down, don't be scared it's only the plot to every horror movie you've ever seen." Great now I'm talking to myself. My breathing gets more shaky and heavy and- I JUST WANT TO LEAVE!!! Then suddenly I stop running. About ten feet away stands a- A FUCKING WOLF!!! I take a step back. Bad decision. Of course. That twig wasn't there before. But now as I have to step back there is a twig. And it makes the loudest crack ever. Or maybe it was just that loud in my mind. Nevertheless, the wolf looks at me. Fucking great the fucking wolf fucking looks at me. It starts walking to me. Hunched down. And walking slowly. I know if I run it will run after me. And I CANT out run a wolf. Then I remember. I have a knife. I clutch the knife. As tight as fucking possible. It's dark by now, the sun went down a little while ago. It leaps at me scratching my face. I use this as an opportunity to stab it. It lets out a yelp, sad enough for me to almost feel bad for it. ALMOST. It falls to the ground. I make sure it's dead because IM not an idiot. Then finally I felt the sting of the scratch on my face. I feel where it was and- great. There is blood. It's fine I'm sure there is a left over med kit in the plane or something. I pick up the wolf. It's heavy but I'll manage. 'This will make for some great food'. I think to myself. And then it hits me. I may have a dead wolf but. IM STILL FUCKING LOST IN THE WOODS. I start to wander then I smell something. Something good. Something that smells like a fire. Or smoke. I walk towards the smell. And I see the flames dancing in the dark. And I see the people who were on the plane with me. I walk a little faster to them and call out. "HEY!" Midoriya looks my way. "I'm alive!" I yell. He runs over and notices what I'm carrying. "Is that a-" he stops. "Wolf? Yes, and it almost killed me." "Wait where is Kaminari and Shinsou?" he asks. "We got separated, I was hoping they beat me here but I guess not" I finally get to the camp fire and drop the wolf corpse on the ground. Relieving my shoulders of the weight. "Is that a fucking wolf?" Bakugo asks. "Yes." I say. "Oh and uh, here is your knife, it got a little bloody" I say handing him the knife. "Hey are you okay?" Midoriya asks pointing to the scratch on my face. "Oh yeah. The wolf scratched me, is there like a med kit or something?" I ask. "Yeah, actually, we salvaged some stuff from the plane. We should have some bandage to take care of that." He grabs my hand and leads me to a pile of stuff. He digs around and picks up a med kit. He then treats my face. "Thanks" I say giving him a smile. I don't smile much so it's a special occasion. "I hope the other two are okay" he says worriedly. "Me too"

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