Black Lives Matter

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If you were hoping for an update on Regis story, then I'm sorry. Motivation is not easy to attain at the moment. But that's not important. I wanted to speak up about the Black Lives matter thing. This has nothing to do with the story, but I would appreciate it if you would read this. If you choose to ignore this because you "aren't racist but don't care for politics" then you're part of the problem. This isn't politics. I'm not telling you who to vote for. I'm telling you that innocent people are being attacked by police officers, you know, the ones that are supposed to "keep you safe, because of their skin color. I'm not black, but I will not stand for this. It's really really fucked up and I am so so sorry to the people who are being attacked, and harassed, and shunned because they have a dark skin color. The amount of videos I've seen of black people trying to do peaceful protests about their rights and still getting attacked by the authorities is ridiculous. It disgusts me. And to those of you saying "all lives matter", you're not wrong, but you're not right, either. If you're not black and you're saying "all lives matter" instead of "black lives matter" then you're trying to say that everyone is going through the same thing. You. Are. Wrong. If we were all going through the same things black people wouldn't have to riot just so their voices could be heard. Don't make this about yourself if you're white. That's just your white privilege. There is a difference between equality and equity. I saw this video and it makes a good point. Imagine there are three people behind a fence, they're all on the same side. The first person is medium height, they can see over the fence by jumping. The second person is very tall, they don't need to do anything to see over the tent. Now, the third person can't see over the fence, no matter what they do, because they are very short. Equality is giving each person one box to stand on. Now the first and second people can see over the fence, but the third person can't. Equity is having the tall person give their box to the short person so that the short person has two boxes, now all three people can see over the fence. The tall person are the white people. They can see over the fence at all times, because they have always been privileged. Black people are the short people. They've had it rough for a long time, and their only desire is to see that view over the fence. White people need to give up their privilege and help the black people. And don't speak for them, it's not your voice that needs to be heard, it's theirs. So, to all the white people of privilege,including myself, I just need to say, If you want to be an ally and help black people fight racism. Stand with them, speak with them, fight with them. We all need to stand together. So that no one misses out on the view over the fence.

That's all I have to say. If you want to help out, sign petitions, donate money, and go to protests. If even after all I've said, you still don't care, then, you're the problem, so get over yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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