He's gone

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We landed upside down. I opened my eyes and looked to my left and saw jack.

"Jack" I said as I grabbed on to him and shook him but his lifeless body wouldn't move.

I saw Rhodes come to the car and try to pull jack. When he wasn't successful he grabbed the paper and came over to me and dragged me out.

"You have to get jack" I said as he pulled me back. I got up ready to go back for jack when the car exploded.

"No!" I yelled as I tried to run over to the burning car but Rhodes pulled me back.


I jolted awake, sweat falling down my forehead. I wiped my forehead and sighed. I looked over to my left and looked at the car.

1:39 am

The clock read. I felt something next to me move, I looked over and saw Danny asleep. I forgot he rocked me to sleep last night after I wouldn't stop crying. My eyes hurt from crying. I can't believe he's really gone. I slowly got up from the bed and made my way to the door. I opened the door and walked out. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, I took out a bottle of juice and set it on the counter.

I opened the cabinet and grabbed a cup. I closed the cabinet and there was Danny. I screamed and dropped the cup. He quickly grabbed the cup before it fell on the ground and broke.

I held my chest and hit Danny shoulder, "you scared the hell out of me" I said and snatched the cup from him and set it down on the counter and opened the bottle of juice, pouring it into the cup.

I looked over at him and saw the bags under his eyes and how exhausted he looked. I probably just woke him up when I got up.

"I'm sorry if I woke you up" I said softly as I put the juice away.

"No you didn't wake me up, I woke up myself.. I kind of freaked out when you weren't in bed, just wanted to make sure you were ok" he said. I nodded my head and finished the cup of juice. I set the cup in the sink and went over to Danny and gave him a hug.

"Thank you for helping me through this" I said and he hugged me back.

"Ofcourse" he said. I looked up at him and smiled. He was like a big brother to me and I loved that. I yawned and he saw it.

"You should probably go back to bed" he said.

I nodded and lifted my arms and pouted at him. He sighed and gave me a glare. I kept my arms up and a smile finally came to his face and he picked me up and walked me to my room and set me down in bed. He tucked me in and kissed my head.

"Goodnight" he said.

"Goodnight" I replied and he walked out of the room and closed the door.


I woke up later in the day just feeling like crap. I turned to my side and looked at the picture frame of me and Jack after our first show. He was in his black tux and I was in my black shirt dress. Tears stinged my eyes. I can't believe he's really gone.


While Harmony was in her room, the other 3 just finished recording and uploading a YouTube video to really make people believe jack dead.

After they uploaded the video, the three stayed silent. Not knowing what to say.

They heard a door open and a very sleepy Harmony walk out. She had her blanket wrapped around her. She walked over to the couch and laid down, laying her head on Merritt. He played with her hair and she eventually fell asleep.

"She didn't get a lot of sleep last night" Danny said.

A knock was heard at the door and Danny looked over at the other two.

"Are we expecting someone?" Danny asked and they both shook their heads no. Danny got up and went to the door. He looked in the peep hole and saw jack.

Danny swung the door open and Henley and Merritt looked over in surprise.

"What are you doing here" Danny whispered yelled at jack.

"I need to see harmony" jack pleaded, not being with her is tearing him up on the inside.

"She still believes your dead" Henley said walking up to the two gentlemen. Jack looked back and forth between Henley and Danny.

"You haven't told her the plan!" Jack said his voice rising.

"Shh" Henley said shushing jack. Henley and Danny looked back to make sure Harmony didn't wake up.

"Ok listen, we haven't told her yet because you screwed things up and took her with you. She literally saw the car blow up and she thought you were in it..it's too late to tell her now" Danny said to Jack. Jack put his head down, he knew he messed up the plan and shouldn't have taken her with him. He should have fought with her and got her out of that apartment instead of taking her in the car.

"She could've gotten seriously injured" Danny said

"But she didn't because I threw my arm over her to protect her" jack said.

"Oh good for you" Danny said sarcastically.

"Listen, I just need to see her man.. it's tearing me apart not seeing Her" jack said.

Danny looked back and saw Harmony in a deep sleep. Danny nodded his head over to Harmony. Jack smiled lightly and walked over to Harmony. He bent down and ran the back of his hand over her cheek.

"Hey babe it's me, I know you miss me but trust me you'll see me real soon" jack whispered to her and gently kissed her head. He got up and looked at the other three.

"Thank you.. I'll see you all soon" he said and the three horseman nodded their heads as jack turned around and walked out of the warehouse.

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