Expose Walter

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"Let go of me" I said as they dragged me down the plane. We arrived in London because the Horseman are doing their final trick here. As we were walking I looked around and saw Walter no where in sight. I kicked the man in the balls and turned around and then kneed him in the face. He fell to the ground and I took off running. I ran by a coat store and snatched a coat and slipped it on pulling up the hood. I ran and noticed it started raining. I kept walking until I saw a big crowd

"I've been told I have some control issues. I've been told that it really really hard to control people so I'm going to try to control something that is a lot easier than people. I'm gonna try to control the weather." I voice said and I knew that was Daniel. I started running through the crowd saying excuse me and passing through people.

"It's a little difficult to make it rain right. It's something only god can do right?. I'm going to do something god can't do" Danny said. I made it to the front of the crowd and saw Danny. I looked up and saw the rain machine and I knew what his trick was.

"I'm not just going to make it clear up.. no no no... I'm going to make it actually..." Danny said and I pulled my hood off and ran next to him as I also placed my hands out in front of me as he did

"Stop" we both said and the rain just stopped in mid air. Danny looked at me surprised while the crowd was going crazy. He put one hand over his mic.

"You got away from Walter?" He asked me

"Yes" I said back

"Did he hurt you or the baby?" Danny asked

"No but let's finish this act shall we?" I said smiling and he smiled too.

"Can god do that!.. mmm no I don't think so" I yelled into the crowd since I didn't have a mic.

"Or what about make it go up" Danny said and we both lifted our arms and the water went up and people were clapping.


"So you all know three card monte also known as find the lady.. let me show you" jack said whipping his card to the back and the blanket made curtain fell down and showed three giant cards.

"While were at it let's find us a life size queen" jack said stepping down into the crowd.

"Ma'am.. would you mind being my queen" jack asked sticking his hand out smiling at her and her boyfriend was glaring at jack.

"Don't worry I promise you there's a 50 percent chance you'll get her back at the end of the show" jack said and the audience laughed but the man still glared at him. "Nah I'm kidding, I gotta lady and a baby on the way at home" jack said to man. Jack didn't know that Harmony got out of Walter grip so jack was still pretty worried about her.


"Or i don't know, just, just go insane" Danny said and we waved our hands and the water went crazy. I smiled at the crowd as they were amazed.

"Alright, Daniel get out of there.. FBI is there" Dylan said into Danny headset.

"Dylan, Harmony is with me" danny said as we both lifted our hoods. I grabbed onto Danny's hand as we both rocked our feet back and fell into the water and disappeared. The only thing left there was both of our jackets.


I caught up with the rest of the horseman and jack immediately hugged me.

"Did Walter hurt you because if he did I swear to god" jack said

"He didn't hurt me.. he just made me clean his whole hotel room" I said and chuckled a little bit.

"Come on guys" Dylan said and we followed him to were our motorcycles were.

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