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"Drop us off here" Danny said and the car came to a stop. Danny got out of the car and opened the door for me. Before I could exit jack grabbed my arm.

"You sure you wanna go?" He asked

"I'm positive.. I got this" I said and kissed jack lightly. I climbed out of the car. I changed into sweatpants and a short sleeved white shirt and sneakers, I couldn't be in that dress any more and those heels were killing me.

I walked side by side with Danny as we walked into the restaurant.

"We're looking for a guy in a blue hat" Danny said as we walked through the restaurant.

"Ok" I said looking around not seeing anyone with a blue hat.

"Daniel, Harmony" I heard a voice say and saw Dylan come into view

"Dylan?" I said.

"I blew it.. I'm so sorry" Dylan said

"What are you doing here?" Danny asked

"I'm here to help you" Dylan said stepping closer to us. And boy didn't Danny not approve of that.

"We don't need your help" Danny said

"Actually we sho-" I started saying but stopped talking when Danny gave me a glare.

"Listen I know I messed up alright?" Dylan said

"You put all of our lives in danger!" Danny said.

"Where is everyone" Dylan asked ignoring what Danny said.

I opened my mouth to say something but Danny decided to talk.

"Where is everyone?... I cant be seen with you right now" Danny said looking around.

"I've got it now ok?"Dylan said and I nodded my head.

"I'm uh actually meeting someone" Danny said smirking a little.

"But I got it now" Dylan said getting frustrated with Danny

"Do you? You look like you should get some rest buddy" Danny said cocking his head to the side.

"Can you both please just stop fighting" I said

"Who are you meeting?" Dylan asked ignoring me.

"I'm not meeting anyone" Danny lied, grabbing my arm and dragging me towards the back of the restaurant and Dylan followed us.

"They told me at Iong's that you were meeting someone" Dylan said pointing a finger at Danny.

"At Iong's?.... ok yeah I am meeting someone.. from the eye... they agreed to meet me to exchange this computer chip for our lives back" Danny said and I could see the betrayal on Dylan face.

"Your talking to the eye?" Dylan asked him.

"You know what?... Atlas" Dylan started to say but Danny turned around and continued to walk away.

"Atlas! Give me the stick" Dylan said.

"Dylan your not our leader anymore ok" Danny said

"Danny" I said but Danny gently pushed me to the side.

"Your not our hero, your not FBI, your not a magician, your not really anything" Danny said

"Daniel!" I yelled

Dylan remained silent and I could see the hurt on his face.

"We trusted you for a year. So if you really want to help us, if you really want to help. You would leave" Danny said. Dylan looked at Danny and then looked over at me. I shook my head lightly my eyes were pleading him not to go. Dylan looked down and turned around and started to walk away.

Once Dylan was out of site I looked at Danny and hit him.

"Look at what you did" I said angrily. Before Danny could say anything and I could continue to yell at him I saw in the corner of my eye Walter and his men.

"Danny.. we need to do.. now" I said and started to pull him away from Walter.

"Why hello you two" Walter said as he came up to us and Danny protectively put me behind him.

"Oh now don't do that.. I wouldn't hurt her but anyway, yeah it was me you called at the magic shop" Walter said.

Walter men continue to come closer and me and Danny kept backing up until we were met with a wall.

"It was so much fun knowing you'd be scurrying away from me in the lab just to bring it here.. did you actually think I'd let you go" Walter said and let out a laugh. Danny glared at Walter

"How'd you do that?" Danny asked

"Everyone has their button, Harmony was staying with jack and getting knocked up and yours was obviously your huge ego... stay the course, great changes are in store. Trust that your unique talents will become recognized" Walter said and Danny squinted because he heard that saying before. His eyes widen and he looked at Walter

"That was you" Danny said.

"Yes, and Merritt downloaded all the files on his phone. But how did we know where to find him? Your phone. What you put on your phone is actually a siphon pad" Walter explained

"Once again-" Walter started to say but I cut him off.

"Science beats magic" I said rolling my eyes.

"Indeed love. So.. the stick?" Walter said clapping his hands.

One of Walters men grabbed Danny and punched him in the stomach.

"Hey" I yelled and slapped the guy in the arm, multiple times.

Another guy grabbed me and held me to the side.

"Let go of me" I said through my teeth.

"Ok ok" Danny said as they punched Danny in the jaw.

They let him stand up and Danny slowly reached in his pocket.

Before he could grab the stick and hand it over. Dylan came over and pushed Danny against the wall.

"You think I'm just gonna walk away from you. Give me the stick" Dylan said grabbing the stick and opening a door and pushing Danny into it.

Dylan went to the guy holding me and punched him in the face and he let got of me.

"Give me the stick" Walter told Dylan

"Go to hell" Dylan said and looked at me.

"Go Harmony! Now!" Dylan said and I started running out. Walter signaled two men to follow after me. I made it outside and continued running through the crowds.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into a alley way. I looked up and saw one of Walter guards holding onto me. Another pulled up with a car and they started to drag me.

"No! Let go of me" I yelled as they threw me in the car. I landed with a thud on my back. I looked up and saw chase with a rag in his hand.

"Hello again sweetheart" chase said and placed the rag on my mouth and nose. I breathed in and I felt dizzy.. finally darkness covered me.

When I came to I lifted my head and saw I was on the couch in Walter hotel. I put a hand on my belly and slowly sat up.

"I was starting to worry about you love" Walter said coming up to me.

I got up and a guy behind me just put his hands on my shoulders and roughly shoved me back down.

"Hey now, don't be rude to my pregnant friend" Walter said to his man.

"Why did you kidnap me" I asked

"Don't worry love I'm not going to hurt you.. I will use you as leverage against the horseman and if they don't give me the stick then I'll hurt you" Walter said smiling.

"I'm assuming you've met my father" Walter added and a man I thought I would never see again stepped out. I sat there in shock.

"Arthur" I said surprised.

Now you see me (jack Wilder) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora