New Horseman

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"Let the momentum of the card do the work for you" jack said to Merritt as he threw the card through the car. I nodded my head in agreement and also did the same thing. I'm 7 months pregnant, about to be 8 months.

"It's all in the wrist" I say.

"This one I like to call the stall" jack said as he whipped the card and it landed perfectly on the hood of the car.

Merritt nodded his head getting it. "Not bad, now do you wanna see a thing of beauty" he said

"Indeed" I said and Merritt took the card and whipped it.

"Bingo, bango, bongo" he said as the card just fluttered to the ground. I swear I could taste blood from biting my lip to stop me from laughing.

Jack nodded his head, "that's good, it's good to be positive despite not making any progress in a year" he said and I couldn't hold it in no more, I laughed, and Merritt and jack gave me a glare. I stopped laughing and I laughed nervously.

"Uh yeah.. I uh need to use the restroom" I said and went inside.

Instead of going to the bathroom I walked downstairs and came to a stop and saw Dylan and a random lady. I knew Dylan was meeting with us today about Octa which apparently I was the only one who knew the plan.

"Uh" I said pointing to her.

"Oh this is Uh Lula.. figured you'll want  another lady on the team" Dylan said as she smiled widely and waved her hand.

"Hiya" she said

"Hi, I'm Harmony" I said going to her and sitting on the table with her.

"You got a bun cooking in the oven I see.. let me guess... jack" she said and I looked at her in surprise. She knew he was alive.

"Yeah how did you know" I asked

"I'm a biggest fan of the 5 Horseman.. I know jacks alive. And now I'm apart of the 5 horseman" she said swinging her feet back and forth. I nodded my head. I heard a door open and I could hear the boys walking.

"She knows everything about us, about Henley leaving, about jack being alive about Harmony having a baby.. and that's her" Danny said putting a hand on his mouth looking down at dylan and me and Lula sitting on the table. The three boys walked down the stairs.

"I'm assuming youve met Lula" Dylan said

"Yeah i did.. Uh what is she doing here" Danny asked

"I am the new horseman" she said stepping down from the table.

"A girl horseman.. or 2nd girl horseman" she said gesturing over to me. Jack walked over to me and helped me down from the table.

"Dylan what's going on" Merritt asked.

"Well, Lula's been on the underground scene for the last decade. I think she has some real talent, I'd like to try to put her on stage to balance the team out since Harmony won't be able to once the baby arrives" Dylan explained and jack face dropped.

"What? No are you serious dude" jack said approaching Dylan. "After Henley left, you said I'd get back on stage again. Not someone who just showed up"

"I told you I'd think about it and I have. I really need you behind the scenes with me for a little while.. and plus your about to be a dad. I'm not going to put pressure on you going back on stage and also have a kid at home" Dylan said. Jack was disappointed but he saw Dylan's point but he was still pretty pissed.

"Dylan come on, I've been behind the scenes my whole life" jack added.

"As much as I appreciate the additional femininity to the group.. over about what Atlas provided.. I think the real issue is wi-" Merritt said but Danny cut him off.

"The issue is that we've been rehearsing for months.. for something we don't even know what it is" Danny said.

"Your going to keep working until-" Dylan started saying but Danny cut him off.

"'Until we work as a single organism' the thing is when you say that I think you're referring to is us, not you" Danny said to Dylan.

"Listen, I'm getting my orders directly from the eye. Than I give them to you, if you don't like that your welcome to go" Dylan said to Danny. I could sense the tension going on between the two of them.

"No I'm not going anywhere but I'm taking care of myself" Danny said

"Guys, enough fighting" I butted in.

"Yeah, but guys can I weigh in here really quick? Because I think I know what's going on in here" Lula said

"And what's that" I asked her

"You guys are this big, amazing, tight-knit family unit. I'm a new person stepping in" Lula said

"We are anything but a family" Merritt said I nudged him slightly.

"Well my mother literally knifed my dad in the neck one time. So you are actually a little bit like a family" Lula said

"Really?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, it was an accident... I think" Lula said.

"Okay... but does this mean we're actually going to do something" Merritt asked moving his attention from Lula to Dylan.

"Yes.. you've all heard of Octa and their new playboy CEO, Owen Case. His partner Walter Mabry died a year ago. You wanna know what all this has been leading to?" Dylan said and the four of them nodded their heads.

"Harmony. Please" Dylan said and he extended his hand towards me. I pulled out a blue print except it was completely black. I took out some UV flashlights and set them on the table and started to explain everything.

"Ok so, Octa's hosting a launch, for the next genesis cellphone. Once they move on to the streets, they'll siphon their users information to the black market. Meaning, Octa's selling privacy to up their profit. So the eye decided to expose them for it. The objective is to hijack the show" I said placing one hand on my belly.. "rehearsal over guys this is what we've been waiting for. Now it's time to get to work" I added as I handed everyone a flashlight and they turned it on and we all looked at the blueprints. We all looked at each other and nodded our heads, we were ready to do this.

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