Ch 1: Dead

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Hazel POV

I gasped, practically launching into a sitting position before two strong sets of hands pushed me back down.

I tried to scream but ended up gagging and coughing on what tasted an awful lot like blood.

My vision began to fade as someone began to scream orders, "stop it! let her go! YOU LET MY DAUGHTER GO THIS INSTANT!"

The voice was so loud it left my ears ringing as I succumbed to darkness again.


I woke again, less violently this time. Slowly sitting up as soft hands smoothed back my hair, a gentle English accent cooing at me, "there there sweetheart take it easy now, you have had a rough time of things."

I looked down at the hospital gown I was wearing, vision blurry, "am.." I croaked, "in the hospital?"

"Well..." the voice murmured still stroking my hair, "something like that."

"Why am I on a metal table?" I whimpered out, "why is it so cold?"

She shushed me gently, "its okay sweetheart, everythings going to be fine, Charles is just filling out some papers and we can go home."

Blinking away my blurry vision I looked over at her. She was pale, almost alarming so, with a mass if inky curls and warm brown eyes that seemed to look over me worriedly as she toyed with the small lavender scarf around her neck. "Home? But my stomach hurts.."

She nodded softly, "I know sweetie and we will fix that soon okay?"

I tried to look around again but she caught my chin, "why don't you lie down and rest okay?"

I wanted to protest but she seemed to know what was going on so I laid back again, "where am I?"

"Do you remember what happened tonight?"

I thought hard, coming up blank. "N-no..."

"What about your name honey do you know your name?" She asked kindly.

"H-Hazel..." i replied shakily "Hazel..." I struggled for a last name, tears springing to my eyes when I couldn't find one in my mind. "I don't know."

"Thats okay.." she murmured, taking my hand, "Hazel is such a pretty name. Im Isabella."

"It's nice to meet you Isabella... do you work here?" Wherever we are.

"No sweetheart I don't. Do you remember anything else?"

"No." My voice sounded pathetically small even to my ears, "am I going to be okay?"

"Oh Hazel.." her voice broke, "Charles and I are going to make sure you're just fine."

"You are?"

"We are."

A tear slipped down my cheek, "thank you." I sniffled, "do you know what happened to me?"

She seemed to hesitate, "not fully... but you were attacked."

"Attacked?" I squeaked, "how?" A thousand ideas of what attacked could mean swam through me, "was I.." I choked out the word, "R-rap-"

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