Sneek peek 3 |「16時の書庫」

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School mystery number 5ー

The 4PM bookstacks.

In this school's library...

. .  .There's a special storeroom you can only enter at 4pm.

The room is full of books with people's names.

Each of these books contains a record of that person's life at this school.

What they did here, what they're going to do here.

Past, present and futureー it's all written in the book . . . !

But . . .

If you do go to the 4PM bookstacks . . .

. . . You have to be careful.

There are three kinds of books in the bookstacksー

white, black, and red.

The white ones have records of people who are alive.

The black ones are records of people who have died.

And those two kinds are okay . . .

. . .But the red books . . . !

Those are the ones you should never ever read.


"Can you answer my question honestly, [Y/N]-nee?"

Kou throw his gaze down on the floor before lifting his gaze up to look into your [ color orbs ], his blue hues filled with an emotion of betrayal at the upcoming truth that was hidden from him for entire time.

"Why is your book color is black?"

" . . . "

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