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"We are here today to celebrate the life of Torri Jackson. She died at the young age of 23. She was a wonderful girl and daughter. She will be missed." Says my father.

My funeral looks depressing as shit. I honestly thought my sisters would be cracking jokes like they said they would. And my dad looks distraught. I hope he'll be okay. First he lost mom and now I'm gone too. 

"Hey God?!" I yell.

He floats down from the sky so gracefully and lands right next to me.

"Yes?" He says

"How exactly did I die? Like was I murdered or did I die from natural causes? I wanna know if i went out like a boss ass bitch. Excuse my language." I say.

"Well someone actually did murder you. The guy was caught. He just shot you a couple times while you were in your car listening to Summer Walker and you were rushed to the hospital where you later died.

"Oh wow. At least I went out listening to Summer Walker. She's my best friend but she doesn't know it yet. Guess she'll never know now."

"Anything else you need? I have more guests to welcome to heaven."

"Yeah I have one more question.....Is"

"....No...she's not. I'm sorry."

"Oh, okay...that's fine...I've never been too close to her it'll be alright." Tears start to well up in my eyes and I quickly wipe them away before he see's them. I turn and face my dad and two sisters.

"I hope you all make it so we're together again." I whisper to them.

My older sister turns around and stares in my direction. She looks around and comes close to my face.

"Did you guys hear that? It sounded like..." She's interrupted. 

"Come on Skai we gotta go to the repast." My father says.

She looks back in my direction and whispers, "We miss you Torri."


That Night

I'm walking along the cloud road in the middle of the night, thinking about my mother. She really didn't make it to heaven. She was the nicest, most caring person in the world. I haven't known my mother for long. She died when I was 13. She really cared for me and my sisters. But I can't believe she didn't make it into heaven.

 I continue my walk along the dark street. All the other angels are asleep in their homes so it was completely silent. There weren't many lights out. For heaven you'd think the streets would be lit up at night but it might be because angels don't really come out at night. Night time is for the demons.

I reach the end of this road and come up to an alley. I hear a noise coming from the end. I look closely into the alley and see a red light shining in the distance. I take a couple steps into the dark and ominous alley like a freaking idiot. I begin to smell smoke. Something was burning.

I ran down the alley and when I reached the red was a portal. The smell of smoke was even stronger. The red light was shining through. I reached out and put my hand through the portal. It felt like jello, but a little more liquidy. It felt like my hand was burning up. It wasn't like the normal heat of the heavens that keeps you warm and toasty, this one was a burning feeling.

I take my hand out and examine it. It was fine. A determined look crossed my face. As stared at the portal, I take a step closer and poke my head through. I saw burning houses and flying creatures in a dark red, smoke filled sky.

I feel someone push my body forward and I fall straight into the portal going all the way through. My whole body went through and I was completely fine. Nothing can fuck with this boss ass body of mine. But, I look behind me and no one is there. And the portal is slowing closing.

I begin to make my exit out of this place and I hear something.

"TORRI!!" Screams a woman.

"Mother...?" I said turning back around to the fiery pits.

Then it hit me. I realized where I was. My eyes widened as I put the pieces together. The unbearable heat, the smoke, the burning house, the sound of my mother. There was only one place I could be.

"I'm in hell."

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